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what the ??????

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Wait I think I know what this is.

Those things are recievers or something, for test data maybe. *Mitsubishi seeing what wind resistance and drag is like bla bla*.

That 'could' be it.

Or the owners really are missing half their cerbral capacity.

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you know what rob ..

I so thought that as well at the start ...

until ...... the BMW fins on the boot !!!! ..

and the aluminum foil side skirts HAHAHAHAHAHHA

looks like they are missing more than half !!

Oh my *** you're right.

I'VE GOT IT NOW!! DUDE DUDE DUDE!! They're trying to keep ALIEN'S from seeing where they are with all that crap on it!!!

HAH! That's it! They're those 'aliens spy on me all the time' freaks!

I'd hate to see their house.

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