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Posts posted by Danthuyer

  1. YIPPIE!!!!!

    hey Silva - You forgot that I will have mine hopefully next week also :P

    I talked to Trev yesterday and sussed things out! All looks good hopefully for next week to have it fitted!

    Of course trev will be doing the dyno pre/post. But I will also be taking it back to my shop to put it on the dyno that has done all my previous efforts to get a good comparison for people ;)

    All I can say is....good things come to those who wait. Gret things come from CES Racing :D

  2. SS - welcome :) great to see a few more ladies in here ;) - OOPS!!!!!!!!!! soa mate!

    I have a few mates in the VIP club with soarers. they all near 200RWkW i think!!!????

    they are a lovely car.

  3. - get them to drive it first

    - tell them to drive it properly....none of this ill change at 4K rpm and take 2seconds to do it

    - if they cant replicate the error tell them to try harder.

    - dont let them tell you its 'your driving technique'

    - let them know how many other people are having the same issue. give names if need be

    - let them know we have a signifigant amount of owners who have replaced their clutch assembly with great results

    - synchros 'dont' need to be under 6K rpm to change efectivley

    - give them the car for the whole day and get them to drive it alot!!!!!! (my car came back yesterday with almost 100 extra K's on it) :blink:

  4. Guys,

    I had one of the Regional TMCA tech out yesterday to drive my car and to look at my ongoing issues with gear changing or rather lack there of.

    We went for a drive and managed to get things happening (borking etc.)

    I left the car with them for the rest of the day and returned to pick it up late yesterday afternoon.

    Unfortunatley the manager was not there to give me a personal update but he will be calling me today :D

    oh and BTW - she is changing nice and smooth now.....dunno what they did...but she is alot better ;)

  5. Glad you could make it Trev :)

    glad to see the young fella is pushing you for the mods...i think he is wise beyond his years!!!!

    yeah the UHF radios are invaluble for cruises incase we get seperated etc. and also for bottle, narrow bridges etc that we encountered.

    The cruise finished about 5.30 i think!?!?!?! so a GOOD 1/2 day effort from all.

    Oh and be on the lookout for a kamikazi lorikeet that tried to take brenden out on the back side of Mt tambourine....although he may be injured as there were traces of blood down the side of his car ;)

  6. Big thx to everyone who turned up.

    Especially Shao + Northy for making us wait in the lovely heat also :P

    Thx to Brenden for the Mt Tamourine afternnon. I think we all agree that it was a great day had by all and we managed to beat the weather also.

    Glad to mee new faces also, JC, trev, Wei

    Till next time

  7. Trust me they ARE Mandrel bends. there are certain diamiters of piping that are different to the stock system (hence gains)

    ALL QUESTIONS should really go to Trevor please guys. Especially in regards to pricing.

    As we respect Bruce when he asks us not to blurt out info regarding pricing on this forum, please respect the same thing for Trevor and CES and call him directly or email him ;)

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