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Posts posted by Danthuyer

  1. MArk,

    I actually saw you yesterday arvo and notied the rims. I was in a stock ascent droping a mate home from work. I saw you on mcullogh street exit near logan road.

    I saw the rims and thought WTF!....when did he get those. As I didnt remember seeing them on saturday..

    LOOK VERY NICE!!! ;)

  2. Hey Guys/Gals,

    Our beloved Briony (rollagrl) is coming down for a visit :D

    I would like to try to organise a night cruise on Saturday 4th December Down to Broadwater to show here and her friend around and have a good time (like we always do)

    Can I have a show of hands as to who would like to come along??



  3. What....... not gonna post your figures? Well thats up to you my friend sounds childish if you ask me.

    Well due to doubt over brendens initial figures with 'hand written' results etc. etc. on the bosch system. I thought it would be wiser to wait untill it was placed on a Dyno Dynamics machine in shootoutmode to dispel any arguments disbeliefs etc.

    Wouldn't you agree??????

    I dont think its childish at all ?...or you you rather go through the whole 'DYNO' debate again for the 16th time????

    I am trying to please the masses :(

  4. Well Ladies and Gentlemen, Trevor at CES fittied the Custom Exhaust yesterday.

    The Verdict?

    Absolutely fekin wonderful. The note it produces is beautiful. It is not at all droony. It is not loud. It doesnt overrun the intake noise in lift :D

    The feel on my car is different to Brendens (due to my other mods) so there isnt a really good comparison there.

    I do currently have figures but I am unwilling to post them atm due to past incidents and comments.

    HOWEVER! I will be taking it to my Dyno Shop ASAP this coming week to add it to my many dyno runs at that shop.

    I have video footage also for imek and others. I will be editing this and distributing copies very shortly. Alternativley. Could someone please host it for me so everyone can get to it???

  5. As I said it didnt FIX the issue but did make the throw of the arm feel different. and getting it into 2/3 at high RPM is slightly better.

    This could be that the lubrication additives that they use stop a certain amount of engine vibration ???? who knows...........

    It works for me and I'll stick to it now.

    Each to their own. If you dont agree, dont do it. If you think im full of cr@p, dont do it.

    But this is a community...we SHARE information :D

  6. Again the whole exchanging of parts V warranty claims. It depends on who you talk to. My Toyota rep says if the part you replace snaps in 2 they will note replace it. (goes without saying)

    Anything that is not modified is still fine.

    I think this issue we will have to agree to disagree, as everyone has heard different things and knows of different situations.

    It will have to come down to a case by case basis.

    But Zee is right. the changing of these parts does make the car more enjoyable to drive. As it makes the car drive (safely) how its was meant to be........above 4000 RPM

  7. When receiving my rolla back from toyota the other week i noticed the box felt slightly smoother and cleaner.

    I immediatly called the dealer and asked what they ahd done. To my shock he said "We didnt do anything!?" I wasa bit miffed when he said this and asked him why the car felt better.

    Anyway I slept on it and then it came to me. The 'ONLY' thing (if he is true to his word) that was different........was the fuel! As the dealership is directly across the road from a Shell (Optimax) and I use BP (Ulitmate)

    So over the past couple of weeks I have been using Shell instead of BP........and low and behold the box has shown some signs of improvement. Now this is by NO MEANS a fix and be all and end all.

    But I would be intrested to see if anyone else here with similar issues to myself, and is running BP Ultimate to switch to Optimax for a couple of weeks (at least 2-3 tank fulls) and let me know what you think. (have you tried this yet Bill???)

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