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Posts posted by Danthuyer

  1. I bought from llewellyn and they were good for servicing etc. but lacking in alot of areas. e. installing my skirt and not cutting it or bending tip!!!

    They have lost my business after a their last efforts or lack there of!

    I took Sportiv word and took it to Lexus of Indooropilly...........WOW!

    they listened to every word i said and more...they took care of the car and did every single little thing that I asked.

    110% effort from the guys at lexus. It costs a little more ....but i feel its worth it.

    They are even taking my car back this week to do some work on the shocks and clutch (all under warranty)

  2. This is my 662nd post!!  :P  Why am i spending so much time on this forum!?

    BECAUSE YOU LOVE IT!..........and you know who else loves it???

    ya mother :P

    *taken from the pot of noodles ad. and has no bearing on Danthuyers feeling and or relations to Zee's mother what so ever!....subject to change if i ever meet her and she is a M.I.L.F.

  3. Well i had my unichip installed today and what a difference it makes. It now pulls so hard from anywhere in the rev range and even harder above 6000rpm. Overall there was a gain of about 17kw at the wheels  :D

    Screamin ;) well done :D

    Was your baseline minus the CAI? or pre recal? as the 17kW jump is a large jump even for a unichip on this car. As I have only seen gains of ~8 kW on other Sportivos

    But none the less very impressive results :D

  4. george - first you come in with the custom intake job and now this! :blink:

    2 from 2 :D a pretty good effort if you ask me.

    Thanks for posting and letting us know. I contacted my dealer after the previous post about the adjustments. My dealer mentioned that my car was 'already looked at' a month or so ago (before this new information) and it was okay!.

    Now I got festivly p!55ed when he said this. I would expect a service manager to come back with. Well bring it back in and we will have a look at it for you, and also contact the dealerships that have done it (similar to gear cables)

    So needless to say they have lost my business and I am taking my car to Lexus (aparently they have ones of the Bates techs/mechs there)

    once again thx for the info/feedback guys

    time to go a changing :D

  5. ed - dont forget about other people who have been here from the start and contirbute also ;) yes times are changing and things come and go. Remember this is a community and not the pk and stu show (although they did have 2 of the slowest stivo's here :P )

    and dont start shooting from the hip either guys.....we are always seeming to go down this rollercoaster effect every now and then when ppl take things out of context...(not pointing finger at ANYONE!!!)

    lets chill ...enjoy the ride...and be glad that pk and stu are still around to answer peoples questions and supply us with an alternative view. As does EVERYBODY else on this baord :D :D :D

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