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Posts posted by Danthuyer

  1. I finished NFSU2 the other night

    All I can say is WHAT A DISAPOINTMENT!!!!!!!

    The last girl in the oroginal NFSU smantha i thin kher name was ....she was a tough nut to crack...I mean i had to play for a couple of nights to beat her on hard :(

    The last guy in this game.....is not even on the same playing fueld as you let alone the same universe...i think he is driving a TRACTOR!!!!

    so if your looking at a tough fight at the end of the game...you are not going to get it....sorry :(

  2. Good to hear alot of you are getting resolution on this issue :) and falling in love with the beast again!!!! B)

    I drove Rollrgrl's car the other weekend with the better clutch, and OH BABY!...it brought back memories!

    My other baby is in at lexus again this week to look at the clutch, as the details in the bulliten didnt fix my issues. The head technician is throwing himself at the car today to resolve my issue.

    If this doesnt get fixed today there is talk of a new cluthch assembly and gearbox :D

  3. In,

    Yes your right I am a Brissy boy ;) now would you like to walk away with $32,000 or go for the next question and try for $64,000???? :P :P :P :P :P

    The top timeslip is 2 x 2zz-ge sportivos, the second one is a 1zz-fe (car #9) vs sportivo i think!? (was it stoopidhead against you in that one northy??)

    Also is your SSS white or silver? if it is silver does your plate end with FNL??

  4. I know I have asked before...but I too would like this feature :)

    I have asked previously about this and steve mentioned that it wouldnt happen untill out AUS site gets more registred users. as we are still a small % in comparison to TOC which I can understand as this feature costs money also ;)

  5. Trev - The only time i have enguaged ABS in the rolla has been at skidpan or motorkhana events....and all time the ABS was ROUGH AS GUTS.

    Needless to say the car remained staight as a die and stopped...but it was too aggressive for my likeing it was very loud and harsh on the rotors

    I agree with the others...i prefer hard braking without the ABS for better control

  6. I took Gregs comments and as I said I took it to Lexus.

    I even gave them the task of installing my handata intake manifold.

    I got one phone call as one of my studs snaped on myself one day....they fixed the stud and installed it (wioth some dificulty) and called me 3 times to keep me updated.

    When I arrived to pick the car up they took me into the workshop and showed me EXACTLY what they did (as modifications to the manifold had to be done)

    They also commented on the clutch as we looked at that.

    needless to say it is going back to them this thursday to get new struts installed in there rear (i complained of a noise...so they replace them under warranty) the head technician is going to finish the clutch for me (as the technical bulliten didnt fix it) he has a few ideas up his sleeve.

    and it wasnt that much more than toyota...

    guys i think we have a new winner......also ask for Ben in the service department...he a good guy ;)

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