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Everything posted by Nellie

  1. Yeh why not..! would ppl be interested in a cruise last week of november or early december?
  2. 16th March 2007 I was probably at work as it was a Friday... and I was probably getting excited cos it was the night of my BIRTHDAY DINNER cos my bday was the following Monday... date for next person 23rd July 2008
  3. SERIOUSLY... where did this week go?? Feels like it flew by... oh wellz its Friday again so I'm not complaining!
  4. Maybe, hopefully, who knows :P If theres a will... theres a way :)
  5. oh ta love for mentioning all this least good ol TOCAU forums got the msg to me hahaha pancakes & cruise tomorrow nite... oh yeh! might take the 180... see if i can con anyone into being my passenger..? Yeh Brissy for drinks sounds goooooooooood ;)
  6. Yep same same... so whens the next cruise on? any ideas on dates etc?
  7. Well done, seems alot of time and effort has gone into this project. Also guessing if the finished product wasnt safe to drive, dazbuster wouldnt be driving it, and it certainly doesnt seem like any corners were cut in the project. End of the day, whether everyone agrees or disagrees with the work, he has put this thread up to share his good work with us all, so lets just congratulate him on doing something different and constructive.
  8. Nellie


    ^^^ hahaha agree 100% on that as well :P
  9. yes so it does :P and its not even Friday yet..... 1 day to go :D
  10. hahahahahaha omg... and who wears fishnets with a bikini
  11. hahahaha @ the hot chocolate + sex story... LOLOLOL anyways... carrying on... weekend
  12. hehe i too am at work, but we didnt really get drunk, i had to drive last nite - but was good to get out and have a drink and a dance :) hey simo do u think u can do the no alcohol for a few weeks thing?
  13. Nellie


    "you'll never be old and wise if you were never young and crazy!" "if someone betrays you once - its their fault. If someone betrays you twice - its your fault" "never regret anything - because at one time, it was exactly what you wanted" "life is full of secrets and lies so when you get screwed over, dont act surprised!" "every 60 seconds spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back" "take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt"
  14. they will! i just gotta do it from home thats all, sorry guys! Promise ill do it tonite :)
  15. mines of a 180sx i usually swap every so often to a diff one
  16. I have hepas of pix... will upload laterz :) Howd you guys go, later that night? yeh it was pretty good, always is intruiging to watch :P bondee took her other car out but i didnt, i just passengered! How did the rest of the cruise with u guys go?
  17. Jeremy, u should come!! *nods* take some time out and have a break! :)
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