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Everything posted by Nellie

  1. Only if you come and enjoy em with me ;) :P ;) of course! its a date lol
  2. Nellie


    If we didnt have these two young ladies join everyone would still be arguing over nothing, only two that can lighten a topic, just calm down; people are people everyone is different. nawwww... BROWNIE PIONTS FOR LEVINBOY *hands levinboy brownies* they taste better than points :P
  3. Nellie


    no nellie can only come up with "state the obvious" today :P
  4. nothing wrong with a good night (or few) on the p!ss... HEY BONDEE?!?! hahaha good times friday nite ey?! like, who adds jagameister to their vodka so it doesnt run out... but im sure there's more to come :) lol
  5. Nellie


    *turns up the music* dance ppl dance :P silly fact of the day: it take more muscles to frown than it does to smile...... so turn that frown upside down!!!
  6. Nellie


    *hands everyone a chill pill * :D :D
  7. i saw these guys live last night!!! and OMG OMG OMG OMG SOOOOO AWESOMENESS!!!! p.s "gone" is da best! indeed it was an awesome night!! agree, "gone" is good and i also liked "in these hands"
  8. hahahahaha yeh!!!!!!!!! but an awesome night thats for sure! first of many for this summer right?!?! :P we'll make sure this ones awes & remembered one hey?!?!? ;)
  9. How many ppl are confirmed? keifer33 trdsaads kenneth stealth jaaassseeee legend888 bondee nellie have I missed anyone?? be awesome to get a good number of cars out...so come on guys!! Take a few hours out for a break! U deserve it im sure :)
  10. Yeah, are there any dates or a rough idea when it's going to be held? How many Westies are going? C'mon boys and girls! I would be interested if the date suits. I rekon i could do this for sure! bondee? wat u think? other 2 WA-ers trd & and1? anyone else? what we rkon???!!
  11. Dont know what Im gonna do tonight yet... hmmm.... Cant wait for our dress up new years party!! Dressing up is fun ;)
  12. hahaha... rissoles!! do u want a schooner with that :P
  13. **BONDEE DANCES IN A CIRCLE*** ong so cant wait for Global Gathering Buddy! you keep dancin in that circle hunni... just keeeeep on dancing!! :P *points to all bondee's friends* >>
  14. Bondee........ i rekon we should plan a holiday or a road trip... haha are dates set for this meet?
  15. x2 :P I offer the spare room it my house. But firstly, let me see how I can incorporate a few cameras. cameras?!?! what on earth for! LOL
  16. ^Simo ROFLMAO..... ahahaha that pic is gold :D thats an awesome price!! but from where...?
  17. wow, I like it when u talk all ocker like oh gag.... please dont! hehe dont what?! what else ya like LOL
  18. yeh it does!!! lol thats why i spell it "gawd" now :P
  19. HAHA OH YEH! sorry :( hrmmmm "DELETE" ?!?!?! Please?
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