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Everything posted by shin0bi

  1. nice work peter! looks good, was it on the night you came to meet us?
  2. dam nice. lol, wonder how he installed his wingtips.. a few piccys:
  3. hmmm you've made some valid points vinh! thanks rowe, i'll give that a try
  4. to all the zre'ians & others, http://www.twmperformance.com/shortshifters/toyotashortshifters/toyotacorollashortshifters.htm anyone know if the '09 corolla shortshifter will will fit an australian zre? by looking at the installation manual, it looks like it may.. http://www.twmperformance.com/manuals/2009-corolla-short-shifter-install.pdf second thoughts please!! cheers. tom
  5. peter just mask it up with tape. as for front lip color coding, i reckin max u'll pay is 150. paint those badges already!
  6. Thats actually three :P Actually thats three letters :P I have a word but not allowed to say it.. Your ZRE has come a long way Tom, great work :toast: thankyou john! couldn't have done it without some inspiration from your ride! + others on these forums. thanks heaps guys. what next: cusco rear sway, modellista rear skirt, wingtips, speakers and amp? hmmmm
  7. spotted white rolla zze, parked at vicroads sunshine with green p plates. not sure if it was a sportivo, had wingtips. stood out with those tips and everything else seemed stock from what i saw from behind
  8. yeah come to think of it i dont think i've seen any facelifts with any mud guards...
  9. thanks guys hahaha JDMZRE ;)
  10. g'day, the ascent base model doesn't get the mud guards. only models above the ascent get them
  11. mine cost 1800 supplied and fitted +30$ for the rear flexible extentions. good service !
  12. very nice john!! i gotta get the flexible extensions put in the rears will get pics up after i get them in
  13. they set the dampening rates for me. and it feels fine a lil more bumpy but its bearable. yeah i read that instruction sheet kind of. yeah my back is going okay LOL but i actually quite like it being abit more bumpy... feels jdm, i mean feels good
  14. hey rowe i meant 10 clicks away from hardest. i think it is LOL i cannot remember what the guy told me now all i recall is 20 clicks from something lol
  15. thanks pete! its prob like 1.5 fingers all around guard to tyre. hey pete regarding your rear damper adjusters. did they put the flexible extensions in the rear or did they just drill a hole in the rear carpet and slot the damper adjuster through?
  16. hi i got pedders coilovers for my zre, cost a fair bit but worth it, rides nice (20 clicks from hardest). definately notice the improvement in cornering i.e less roll! love it best money spent! will update with pics very soon!
  17. should be h11, pop ur bonnet, look at the top of the headlight. should specify all the globe sizes on the unit. where are you from? melb, syd?
  18. yea for sure. when i changed poddies, all the electrical tape i used still held on pretty good and very minimal signs of water in that area and around the pod :). happy camper
  19. <_< comn johnnie =] upgrade to the 3A racing pod :P
  20. 1. Andy - BLind Kid Seeks - AE92SX - route 2. 2. 1stKill - Aurion 3. Kenshin X - Corolla ZZE123R - any route bcuz all new to me 4. dyslexik (row) - ZZE123 5. le.vinh.zr - ZRE152 6. Matt - 78_7kRolla - KE30 - Any route with ample fuel stops/room for a B-double tanker 7. shin0bi (tomeee) - ZRE152 - option 1 (TBA closer to date) 8. 9. 10.
  21. nah man, i took the photo so i could get more of the T... if u want i can post the other one up with ur misses LOL :P btw did u get it in the email? haha yea i got the pic thanks for that and na dont post it. lols t shirt looks good
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