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Everything posted by Tofuboi

  1. im expressing interest with my ZRE152R Levin ZR, but so far i might just watch i dont know. as the cars basically stock as a rock besides a straight through exhaust (needs another muffler put in somewhere around the middle, its WAY too noisy in the cabin!) i really wish there was more performance parts for the ZRE152R :P
  2. I have yet to modify anything 'mechanical' bar the exhaust system from the cat back. The only thing I have touched under the engine bay is having a dry cell battery installed due to the updated sound system completely obliterating the stock battery, now its great! But yeah, I wouldnt mind getting some of this stuff. Providing it doesnt break anything :P
  3. Basically with the Rain Sensor, you can have a standard windscreen fitted, however you'll find that you might have a sensor and a bunch of wires hanging from the roof, and two. It might look a bit fudgy :P
  4. i had the same thing happen a month or so ago. smallish rocks from a truck bounced off and up onto the windscreen of my ZR and the next day, turned out to be 80% across the windscreen! $795 to replace and refit a ZR rain sensor screen. insurance paid it out luckily :P
  5. indeed i can i had to have an aftermarket connection fitted, but it does work as if its the stock hu. how much did that cost guy quoted me 300 to do that thats why i didn't change my head unit cause i always use my steering wheel controls I had it fitted as a package with the whole sound system so I don't know the exact figures. All I know is for 8 hours of work plus all parts came to $4,000 all up. (I think it was around $400-500 for labor all up)
  6. indeed i can i had to have an aftermarket connection fitted, but it does work as if its the stock hu.
  7. the only problem with all that is that sound, theres a great deal of vibration in the back :(
  8. Spotted a AE86 Sprinter Trueno at Highpoint DSE Powerhouse this morning, pristine condition and everything. I fell in love I beleive. :D Had stock standard plates on it, non custom.
  9. There IS something to be warned about though. I found that removing the resonators and just having the one muffler on the end, makes it VERY loud in the cabin lol. :P I am getting pictures of my car for you tonight. :D EDIT: This is some photos of the sound system install. - I'll try get the photos of the original exhaust parts soon. I'll get exhaust photos soon :D
  10. I just finished my 2nd modification for the '08 Corolla hatch. The first was a cat-back exhaust with Remus muffler on the end for $600 fitted. As of Friday a complete Clarion setup has been installed into the car thanks to the lovely people at Sunbury Autobarn who did an excellent job, no... Beyond excellent!
  11. yeah, thing is finding that piggyback hardware is a bit hard at the moment ,considering the 'newness' of the ZRE model. i hope something comes soon :P
  12. thats some nice results there mate now if only the people with the ZRE152R rollas can be blessed with such performance increases...
  13. I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say they're call centres, but who knows which ones tho.
  14. Angry_Duck here :D Just got my PS3 on Thursday :D And preordered GT5P, wootens.
  15. I've been using Shell V-Power Racing (E10 Blend) since a few weeks ago, and I did notice a significant increase in fuel economy now pushing up towards the 600km mark as opposed to the 550-500 i used to get :P
  16. From what I know they do do test runs in them to make sure the car is up to dealer specification and quality. But nothing too fancy, 20km tops. Depending. Home mode is basically something that the computer does when the computer registers a fault on a particular component. In my case it restricted throttle usage (max throttle about 10% not even that) and engine rpm to 3,000rpm. it's so you can still get the car to a toyota dealer or mechanic (preferably a dealer) so they can pull the fault code from the computer and check what actually went wrong and why. Now I doubt you'll end up with the same problem, as I am pretty sure that in the '08 builds this problem was rectified. But don't quote me on it.
  17. I spoke to the guy at Sunbury Exhaust and Performance who did my Exhaust and they practically told me that one is a muffler, and ones a resonator. The one with the grille down the inside of it is the resonator. (Which sits about half way down it.), The one on the end is a muffler. Although I could have that back to front. I just went outside and checked out my stock parts. (I have them still here) :P
  18. umm why did you get a replacement? I have read the contract and it says that if the seller doesnt provide the car within 14 days of the delivery date, im free to leave the contract and get my deposit back. now is there a difference between 'Estimated Delivery Date' and 'Delivery Date'. Because on the contract there is 'Estimated Delivery Date' in big bold writing right next to my signiture, as the 10th of March. There is no mention of a 'Delivery Date' Anyway at all. Putting it simply, the first one broke....multiple times. :) - Long story short, it turned out something between the throttle body and engine computer was a bit broken, causing the car to trip into limp home mode, got a replacement vehicle after sorting that out, and bing. We were on our way. :) But never fear, the replacement works like a charm! :D I was a pretty rare problem though from what I know. The Jan '08 build I've got now (last was an Aug '07) has been flawless, and I hope it stays that way :D
  19. The first ZR I got I had to wait a few weeks due to finding one being damn near impossible. (With moonroof) I think it was about 5 weeks. Then the replacement came in 2 weeks after they decided to replace it. :P
  20. or at least some photos in front of the holy peice of machinary... you know, its quite sad, never sat in an AE86 yet :P although id love to!
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