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Everything posted by Tofuboi

  1. Given what had happened to my ZRE152R 07 Levin ZR. I'd have to say the car is a great drive. Alas I have the 4 speed Auto, its a bit chuggy compared to the six speed manual but when I got the car having a manual was slightly out of the question. (licensing issues). That aside, the engine is pretty potent for a 1.8L and its quite smooth on the road. As for the squeaking brakes issue. Since I have not experienced it I can't comment. Please Note I've been a Toyota person pretty much my whole car-life, starting out with an 86 AE82 and it was great, always loved em since. :D The M2/M3 might be better for you, it depends, just try test-drive em both and see how you feel in em.
  2. Hey guys! :) For those of you who were following the story of my 'possessed' Levin ZR, which grew to some 10 odd pages of posts. You may have realised the thread was removed at my request back in early January. I won't go into why or how it happened to come to that, but let me just say that Toyota delivered a brand spankin' new Levin ZR to my dealer last week, to have me pick it up Thursday evening! :) So once again, the story of Tofuboi and his Levin ZR starts again, as of Thursday. :) When you really think about it, Toyota went out of their way in great proportion to see that I obtain a new replacement vehicle, we just had some bumps along the way. But we're all sorted and everybody's happy! :D For those who were a part of the old thread, I'd like to thank you for your input and support throughout the times and especially a big thank you to Toyota Australia for their hard work and dedication into sorting my 'posessed' car out. :P heh. Thank you.
  3. And no voting for your own car I reckon either! That's just cheating! (ie, i cant vote for my possessed Levin ZR 2007, no matter how posessed it is!, refer to post in corolla forum :D)
  4. In my 07 Levin ZR, the factory head unit and speakers actually perform REALLY well... i had a real bassy song in the car and i experienced no distortion and a very nice rumble even in the higher end of the volume control. :P
  5. Well i chucked a pic up to see what people think heh. :P
  6. I was told in the other thread to chuck my new Levin ZR up anyway, so i took some snapshots and here's the one I like. :)
  7. Well then I'll get a nice photo of my car anyway and chuck it up for review. :P Nothing to lose really, heh.
  8. In my opinion I'd say that would prolly be okay, but yeah, not upto me. :) I'd put my car up to see if it got into the callendar, but it's pretty stock though, doubt anyone would want it on the callender. its just your average Black Levin ZR :P Plus Id need to get a good photo of it, the only photos I got have me in it lol.
  9. how much did the spoiler set you back if you don't mind me asking. i dont mind the whole kit actually, rear bumper, spoiler, skirts, front bumper, even the twin pipes make it look really nice :P
  10. Hey fellas, just like the topic states. Now I just got my Levin ZR a couple weeks ago and I'm not entirely ready to go modding the absolute bejesus out of it. But I'm just curious. Is there any types of engine/computer/performance in general modifications available for the '07 ZRE152R's? I wouldnt be suprised if there isnt due to the fact its only a couple months old. Also I apologise if this is posted in the wrong spot but I honestly couldnt find a better place to put it! Cheers fellas.
  11. I wonder when someone will spot me in mah new '07 Levin ZR :P Black, 17 inch rims, pretty much stock other than the rims so far, yes, P plates showing (till december 17th!) License: WAT-XXX (dun really wanna give out the plates YET lol) Every day between 7am and 8am will be seen travelling from Tullermarine Airport via City Link :P to St Kilda Road (Telstra Call centre building, 324 st kilda road) And travelling back the other way between 4pm and 5pm via Citylink! I've seen quite afew rollas on my trips, but cant name anyone yet since I dont know many here :P Sidenote: I was driving down the Monash Freeway from Clayton this afternoon at about 5pm, through the Burley Tunnel (congestion sucks!) with a Ford XR8 ute, having a bit of a bash, i swear that guy was in a hurry :P So yeah, saw some rollas there too around that time. :P
  12. Just got my '07 Corolla Levin ZR on Friday and I'm very happy with it! When I got it from the dealership it read 10.3L/100km but then again it only had 1/4 a tank in it from there and only had done 15km heh. Now when I finished driving today I checked it and it said 9.2L/100km and Avg speed of 57km/h. This is on BP Standard though. Also is it just because the car is brand new or every time it drops below 3,000rpm it just feels like theres nothing there until it rises back over? It's not quite a flatspot, but it definately feels almost like one. Mind you this is an auto too. :P
  13. IT'S HERE!!! :D And I love it! :D:D:D:D:D They had a small issue with the tyres for those rims, tyre place got the wrong size in but in a last state of miracle-ness, they managed to get a new set couriered over today, and now I am really happy :D it feels very stiff on the road but i like it.... so much i wanna say but meh, you've all prolly heard it all before!
  14. Well I'm kinda glad the suspension's a bit hard... It's gotta be better than my roly poly boat like ford EB falcon suspension... thank you trade in! lol (although i was lucky to get 500 smackers for the old bugger. lol) NOT LONG TO GO!!
  15. Thanks for the replies everyone, a bit of a mixed bunch although I think the general consensus is just drive it normally, but dont go hammer and tongs all over the place with the rev range. :P My mum goes to me, "You know I'm driving it." I instantly said that the guys at the Toyota Owners Club Australia say you're not allowed to, she laughed. But she's a bit of a leadfoot anyway heh So she knows how to care for the car in a way. Dad on the other hand, let's not go there. Once again thanks for all the help and I'll def post some piccies when I get it on Friday at 5pm! :D
  16. Thanks a bunch folks for all ya replies! At least I've got some idea of how to treat my new baby now. :D I can't wait, keep waiting for the dealer to ring with the magic words of, "The car is ready and you can pick it up..." lol :D
  17. Okay folks, my brand spankin new Levin ZR is due for delivery between now and Friday! And I'm quite excited. (First time new car buyer, so yeah :P) Anyhow, I know this will probably be in the cars manual somewhere but... How should it be treated upon first couple hundred kilometers? I've heard mixed stories from friends saying you should Baby the engine for the first few hundred k's, don't wind it right up to redline etc. But I've also heard that you should for something to do with the cars computer adjusting the fuel mixtures to the way you drive etc. To be honest I'd rather ask the professionals. (you guys!) And get a straight answer. :) Help a newbie Corolla owner out!
  18. I got an AE82 right... I decided on getting a Levin, now from what I know they have 15" alloys right? I'm not entirely sure on this. Is the offset 4x100 on the new Levins? Because thats what my AE82 is, and well, the rims are in quite good order and was wondering if they would be able to go onto the new car or not? Please excuse the painted calipers and painted drums, that was Dad's idea. :P (i kid you not, it was!)
  19. LOL someone suggested this and some guys came up with a few ideas for the Australian version... quite funny :D I honestly don't think an Australian version would work though. Not many dig the car scene over here compared to the States... or should i say not as much. The Australian wouldn't be as entertaining version i would think :) ← So that means I could get them to pimp my old AE82? lol
  20. That's exactly what I was thinking about recently, I don't need a really fun car, although it would be nice, but im just really up for the day to day business for now anyway. Also I would probably go for the Levin since I would end up getting those addons later anyway if i were to get the Ascent.
  21. lol, well im learning alot about the Stivo vs Ascent and Levin thats for sure. :)
  22. Well I certainly didnt expect this to turn into a Ascent/Levin vs Stivo war thats for sure. I've made it pretty clear that I cannot get a manual license right now, besides right now, I just want something that does the whole A to B thing, but with a bit of class and customisability on the side for when I feel like it you know? I'm sure you all understand what I mean.
  23. You got me thinking, another Melbournian has a Auto Levin... Well when I get funding and such sorted out, I'll let you all know my decision. :) (So far it's probably going to be the Levin)
  24. Yeah I wasnt planning to just buy the car and take it straight to places to get the mods done no way. Get used to the vehicle first, know the way it reacts to your driving, all that stuff. Right now its basic mods anyway, like everyones saying, suspension and the like. And right now, only having an Automatic P's license, I can't drive a manual unless I upgrade the license or wait till I'm on opens. (Reason behind the automatic license is because 1. auto cars all round in the family, 2. i had to get my P's before the oldies went on holiday to NZ and that was the only option at the time.) So a Stivo is really out of the question, although I'd love one. So once again, down to the Ascent Sport Hatch or Levin. heh.
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