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Everything posted by MT

  1. nah all mine are in the jokes thread... dam
  2. nice work dylan thats what im planning to do with mine, but not gold! but i like the idea of the red L... nice touch
  3. haha gee now we're getting childish!!!!!!! this is a great thread to release your anger!
  4. MT

    Word association

    decision excuse me im nothing behind members with over 1000 posts
  5. such a mum thing to say
  6. oh all of them please
  7. oh i can handle it, im just waiting for you to BRING IT
  8. Micky_tee accepts no liability for loss, damage or confusion which may or may not have occured as a result of his post whoring
  9. well it depends what IT is doesnt it
  10. please forward all complaints to eggbert_99
  11. oh its on... u better BRING IT
  12. uh uh im back... lets get whoring
  13. crazy car mods? hmmmmmm
  14. me going to find random pic now done
  15. stuff the letters lets just whore it up
  16. well im already coming up soon to beat up jase, take u and mish for a ride, one more stop over isnt a problem
  17. Hey u better not be talking about me
  18. D - Damn that looks funny!
  19. hahah yay Go Queen Mish! B - Brad its your turn next
  20. fine posted Brad or Mish u better be here waiting! i will give up my reign as king if i can be the joker :P
  21. come on not many to go!
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