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Everything posted by MT

  1. haha no! i was replying to u in another thread! u and your decoys i tell u! go get a job! ahaha j/k
  2. whats the difference between what BanGn said, and one of the group buys? nothing... BanGn is doing a favour for some of the forum members and ordering a group buy of injen CAI. Daz said he was interested in buying an Injen CAI. BanGn said to PM him. easy, so whats the problem?
  3. you're gonna die clown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. MT

    Word association

    downstairs (haha my location)
  5. dam u jase this was my hill i tells ya! oh well, anyway there goes the post count :P
  6. i havent seen that movie in ages... i just love anything with adam sandler... may have to dig that one out and watch it sometime
  7. MT

    Word association

    remote (yeah i've been looking at some... meh who knows, got a while till the next meet to work it all out)
  8. MT

    Word association

    CB'S!!!!!!!!! they went flat after 2 uses! i gotta find some of those good rechargable ones for next meet
  9. yeah i know.... i've only got 18 weeks of uni to go, plus exams... wow.... then i gotta find a real job... dam.
  10. haha yeah well i reckon thats what tom will do.... wait for 6 days then post.... little bugger he had this planned all the time!
  11. haha where did u find that? why is may the national egg month?
  12. hey everyone, i reckon we should just decide that somebody should get the last post, we all agree not to post just so we can take that 40 bucks off tom... agreed? :P i vote for me... hahaha
  13. come on guys its time for a new king... yes it will be king cos it will be me! muahahaha
  14. i think the fuel ferrari uses is slightly different from the fuel available over the counter here in aus... just slightly :P BTW dont the F1's all use the same fuel? i thought they used elf stuff, or maybe thats just the WRC? i dunno... its been awile since i paid much attention to that stuff u could always just go buy some avgas from the nearest airport... if only that was still legal... dammit. It's still an additive octane. It's not pre-formulated like Vortex or Ultimate. My 2zz ran much better once I found this out and switched from extreme to 98. Grab Caltex's 101 octane race fuel haha (you have to have a permit too lol) now that's good. WOOHA lol. We all have different tastes tho. I'm just very paranoid about ethanol. i wouldnt be so keen on buying ethanol based fuel either... not with plastic fuel lines and all that... but hey if the government has allowed it then it must be good yeah? :unsure: as far as i know, (it may have changed recently though) Optimax is a 95RON unleaded with octane booster to lift it to 98RON. mix that with ethanol... doesnt seem exactly a "clean" fuel to me. and also, ethanol isnt an octane booster, so why is it classified as 100RON? i'd like to do some testing... if i could be bothered :P
  15. not owns... just supplies... to most places anyway, all the capital cities for a start... Moobil sold its refinery in Aus... only 2 main ones left now i think... Caltex and Shell... should check on that really.
  16. oO_CorollaSportivo03_Oo is a chick... have a chat to her :P
  17. yes and the other motors that Mick was talking about where our of right off's. Also good luck at the wreckers. where else would u get an engine from than out of a wrecked car??? there's no harm in that, its perfectly legal, and if u go to the RTA or wherever u'll find they dont give a stuff about the engine number of a vehicle anymore. Skutler, if u want a 2zz, talk to me, if u wanna get ripped off, talk to Northy.
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