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Everything posted by MT

  1. Ditto :D dont lie brandon your not in sydney
  2. sportivo still has the engine in it.... i think brian is just teasing us... besides i doubt the honda engine will fit without throwing quite a bit of money at it...
  3. there have been many done for race cars. i know of 2 that are in planning for the street however...
  4. would love to help if u give us a bit more info mate
  5. going to check mine now... Dylan? pics of what u did for moi?
  6. i agree with SB, has anyone actually pulled out their foglight bulbs before?? i'm assuming not, so i'll let u all know that the bulbs are HB4's, in other words HIGH BEAM. therefore brighter than normal lights, therefore illegal. but i still drive with mine on :P
  7. Yaris is still basically an Echo... no point in having 2 seperate areas, 1 for echo (which doesnt really exist anymore) and 1 for yaris. However, i will speak to steve and see if he will change the name to Echo/Yaris to stop anymore confusion
  8. ROFL Heyyyyy !! I didnt do nothing :P then what did rob do to you becca?
  9. But hang on...... the 32's didnt come out with a 2.6 ltr 6. Engine conversion or just a load of ****?
  10. wow thats a mega drift and a mega pole/tree
  11. Gorgeous Dave, absolutely stunning. One of my (many :P) dream cars is a Ta22 celica... one day
  12. If u live in France, your supposed to never park your car in gear or have the handbrake on. mainly cos they believe in touch parking... u just use your bumpers to create a parking space :D Still, i always leave mine in gear... better safe than sorry.
  13. i think all new corollas came with those corolla floor mats... the dealers loved the whole "ok u pay this and i'll throw in some floor mats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  14. Becca's gonna fork out for a supercharger hey?
  15. AU$1 = ~90Y haha i think he was just pointing out the maths of workin out currency, i dont think he actually meant that $1Aus was 250 yen :P
  16. Get Dennis to do up a guide. he's replaced his badge with a new one, and it looks sensational!
  17. There are some brand new cars that wont start unless the clutch is in... are they "old-school"???
  18. haha this is King of the Hill... no one wins this one my chrome friend!! the membership thread was won last week! Congrats to Saiya!
  19. always.... i dont see why people dont the other thing i dont understand is why some people dont start the car with the clutch in??? i was taught to always start the car with the clutch in... just in case
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