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Everything posted by MT

  1. too bad thats not the website :(
  2. i think thats only for silver members or mods... cant remember if it was there when i wasnt a mod... but its not there for a normal member. Daz yet another reason to become silver members!!!!! edit scratch that only mods do brandon
  3. Ignore the flywheel man, seriously. Unless you're looking at doing all your internals and stroking it out, changing the cams etc etc etc. The excedy is around $600 I think. i've been quoted much cheaper than that... or is that with install?
  4. i dont think anyone else gets it
  5. MT

    ABS failure?

    actually i think brad is right the abs wont work unless u are above a certain speed but im not sure what the speed is
  6. ahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahah
  7. whats the problem with it?
  8. exedy is just a strengthened stock clutch. good choice but
  9. MT

    ABS failure?

    never had a problem with the abs, and i've given it a hell of a use at defensive driving days etc. take it back to your dealer tell em to plug their machine into the diagnostic plug and see what it says oh and tell em to not be so lazy
  10. he does now.... didnt when he made that post almost 2 years ago
  11. image gone and need to be a member to view thread :(
  12. you guys need to stop smoking crack
  13. fads gettin some new shoes too probably... Richo's!!!!! well start organising robism.
  14. FI = Forced Induction i would think. but in Oz, nope. swift sucks. just over 8 seconds??? well its no where near as fast as a sportivo. if toyota were serious about getting 0-100 in a stivo in 8 seconds like they claimed, maybe they should have used lift
  15. rob when u get your shoes we will have a massive photo shoot day/night where we will take hundreds of photos and send em all to u for u to make wallpapers. then everyone can enjoy canberra corolla goodness
  16. haha at least confusing you with tom is better than confusing you with anyone else. names are similar. and tom is pretty cool. speaking of which tom wanted to change his name but could never work out how too.... but justin did it i remember... Evl 50A - MRGEN3.... change your name TOM!!!!
  17. here comes bill with the right advice ;)
  18. Quote From http://www.advanceautoparts.com/english/yo...20001001sp.html What Is Indexing? | Back To Top Generally speaking, the idea of indexing is to position the spark plug so that its gap is facing the center of the cylinder, angled slightly toward the exhaust valve—the most common arrangement. (Some engines work better with other gap locations.) This is important because, as the piston approaches TDC, the air/fuel charge is being compressed. The charge or "mixture" is being forced toward the area of the spark plug—and normally, the exhaust valve. The true speed of this force inside the combustion chamber is extremely fast. Some experts speculate that it surpasses supersonic speeds. Because of this, the spark generated from the plug should be in a "position" to create the best possible flame front. Looking at a typical side-gap spark plug, you'll note that the electrode can actually block the flame process. On the other hand, if the electrode gap faces the on-rushing air/fuel charge, it stands a much better chance of igniting a flame front. How To Index | Back To Top How is a spark plug indexed? Simple: Mark the spark plug insulator body with a felt marker (never use a pencil, which acts the same as a carbon track inside your distributor cap) on the side where the ground electrode attaches to the spark plug body. Instead of rummaging through boxes of spark plugs to find the elusive combination of perfect plug threads that match the cylinder head threads, use indexing washers. These soft copper washers are available from the aftermarket and will fit both flat- and tapered- seat spark plugs. They're available in three thicknesses: 0.060-inch, 0.080-inch and 0.100-inch. Copper's inherent softness along with the various washer thicknesses make it simple to thread the spark plug into the cylinder head and tighten it to the point that the index mark is situated in the correct position relative to the combustion chamber. (Never double up washers; they aren't intended to be used in tandem.) Power Gains | Back To Top Real-world power gains vary. Some engines or combinations respond differently than others. In fact, all engines will pick up power, but some gains will be more dramatic than others. In the end, it can't hurt to index the spark plugs. This can contribute to superior engine efficiency and improved economy.
  19. Lucio had a CES exhaust on his Sportivo. Actually made less power on a dyno for him in Victoria. NOW IN SAYING THAT, YES I AM VERY AWARE THAT THE CES HAS MADE PROVEN GAINS SO NO ONE START ANYTHING!!!!!! Northy and Silva and the rest are the perfect example that the CES does make good gains. in my opinion, i think the stock exhaust is pretty dam good how it is, there are not many gains to be made apart from in the muffler area, but then again any changes there make your car go from sounding awesome in lift to needing ear muffs :P In my opinion, the best Bang for your Buck mod is the cold air intake, there are numerous brands, all which make similar, decent power. i myself have an AEM intake, mainly because when i went looking i found a good price on one so i went for it. there is a much of a muchness between cold air intake brands. Headers im not so sure about, there is a little bit of a gain to be made, mainly by the coating on the headers. Basically, what im trying to say is, if u really wanna make more power, get out your check book and dont put it away for a while. apart from the gearshift issues and all that, its a pretty dam good car for a stocker. Stock air box is very restrictive down low on the rev range, and when you hit lift, the bottom of the airbox actually opens to force more air into the engine, creating the "Hard Hit" into lift with the stock box. With the CAI its much smoother because there is a bit more power being made right where the lift change is. A stock rolla sportivo actually looses power right before the lift change, trust me i've seen it on many a dyno. Only way i've seen to overcome this was on a RunX rally car from england, had a programmable ECU (not sure what brand) but the A/F ratio almost doubled at the lift point, which explained the massive puff of smoke that shot out as the car went into lift :P looked awesome
  20. NO CHROME BLING RIMS!!!! if u do i will ban you from the forums, dead serious i am not kidding i will abuse my power completely. Oh and Dylan, i agree, white rims on dark blue is perfect, white on white is terrible (sorry mish)
  21. indexing your spark plugs... its an old trick... actually has produced proven gains on a corolla. remember neils corolla that went to Germany??? made kw gains at the wheels from indexing the spark plugs... not much but still a gain. SFA??? Sweet F*ck All
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