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Kenshin X

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Status Updates posted by Kenshin X

  1. is glad the damn rattling noise from the gear selector bushing MOD is solvered! :D

  2. smooother gearbox and direct shifting ;)

    1. johnnieboi
    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X


  3. War with mobile phone company atm...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      make that 5 now :/

    3. dyslexik


      I just buy phones outright mate and use prepaid sim. I've ported my same number 3 times now from Optus to Vodafone and now to Telstra. Telstra prepaid plans are awesome value and reception is second to none.

    4. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      i shall look into it...

  4. Wishes his stivo had a bull bar... so he can ram idiots off the fuqn road

    1. Synthetic05
    2. DemonRolla


      i used to be able to do that with my prado, nice big bull bar lol, but now its gone =(

    3. Kenpo


      lmao, the amount of times i've said that...

  5. lest we forget...

    1. Kenpo
    2. johnnieboi


      i took my minute pause today.. for duty and honor of our past heroes.

  6. I'm still sick, and I blame Johnnieboi and his super virus ;)

  7. Recover before track day...

  8. MELBOURNE BBQ TODAY!!! ;) see you there guys :D

  9. stupid hayfever... <_<

  10. fighting hayfever and common cold ffs <_<

    1. johnnieboi


      hehehe.. pain.. *coughs*

  11. @all sick people... STAY AWAY FROM ME!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      @silver-aurion, if you want an acupuncture needle stuck up your a$$, come closer LOL

    3. johnnieboi


      you sure you dont want my sickness for winton??

    4. Silver-Aurion
  12. Oct 31st meet list has been updated!

  13. Oct 31st Meet list has been updated!

  14. imma so BORED.................. -_-

    1. johnnieboi


      go get a massage or something! hehe

  15. @kewl10_mac - you got a helmet? make sure you bring that too :D

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