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private number

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Everything posted by private number

  1. By removing the front bumper unless you want to remove your front fender guard. Ive done both methods a couple of times, and i must say the removing the front bumper is the easiest
  2. Damnn, i wish i headed down this VIP path a lot sooner but got a lot of mods i needa do before i upgrade my suspension and wheels again to get that VIP look :(
  3. wow, that 07ish camry aye? Now that i want to see
  4. Spotted INDOMIs new(ish?) ride, kings st round 2pm. Nice lookin aurion mate
  5. Theres 2 ways, removing the bumper or going through the wheel well. After doing both, i will definietly recommend removing the front bumper. its just a lot easier and less of a mind screw.
  6. Hey andy, i noticed you removed your vinyl hood from a couple years back. Can i ask why? Im tossing up whether i should vinyl my roof or paint it black
  7. Hey fellas, upon ordering my lip kit i would just like to know what international websites you fellas have used to import your body kits or even any other internationl websites you have used to order parts in for your car that was of a large value? Im trying to find the most reliable one Cheers, Private
  8. hahahahha ^^^^^ My old ladys car got flood damaged (somehow). Is this a write off? Going to give insurance a call tomorrow. We only realized it was flood damaged today when it started smelling like aR$e with rotten meat stuck in between the cheeks
  9. Yeah i had a feeling i might be actually making this process more complicated then it should really be by researching everything and asking around what everyone did and what not so ill probably handle this towards the middle of the year during my uni break, it gives me time to save up more. And thanks for the idea of the "gift". Ill email places in the US who are selling it and see what they can do for me regarding all the shipping, "gifts" and handling and what not. Definietly give an update with all of this once it starts flowing through.
  10. Yeah thats what i wanted to do originally, but upon much research regarding importing and asking around it seemed like the process is a bit more complicated than what you've stated above. Like for example, how will i know when to go to the docks? will they call me or something (captain obvious i know but just making sure) Its actually the cheapest quote i got getting it from a toyota dealer in california surprisingly enough, it was my last option aswell. But ill try bargain it down abit since i got some time. Thanks for your reply VF-X, much appreciated
  11. Damn that looks so good, give us more info please!
  12. Im actually getting the kit from america, looking into the RK sports lip kit for my 07 camry and 800 US shipped door to door is what carsons toyota quoted me for. Or another option is 400 US shipped to melbourne docks. But i have no experience with shipping large parcels here from another country so i have no idea how im going to pull this off just yet. The fellas at toyotanation (american based) told me its straight up robbery and recommended me to find an american shipping company who will ship it here for me (and who will also have an brokerage import agent to handle all taxs and fees??? atleast thats what ive researched so far) Im not really keen on paying more than the actual kit for shipping if i know there are other ways to get it cheaper so i was hoping maybe one of you fellas have actually imported a kit from overseas to here to give me some advice on how to actually pull it off. Ive researched a lot but never actually asked anyone who has actually done it personally, so its abit airy fairy so far
  13. Sorry to bring up an old thread fellas, but i just wanted to know if you guys ended up importing a kit from overseas as i myself is currently in the process but im trying to find the cheapest way possible to bring the kit here. Door to door will cost me 800 US itself Or even, any of you actually got a kit made custom by topstage? Im looking into that option too as it might actually be cheaper to go custom than importing one here
  14. Cheers mate. Yeah i cant imagine there woul dbe much either just ive read up a lot from the forums in america that it does so i thought id ask as im looking into dual exhausts when i get my lip kit
  15. Thanks for your reply rob. Have you driven a stock camry before without that dual exhaust? I was wondering if you noticed a decrease in acceleration oomph during the lower RPM ranges and gained abit more oomph on the higher RPM ranges
  16. Its only going to get worse mate.
  17. Very nice mate, lookin real good. I had to order from kings directly myself, took awhile to get the springs like you. How much lower did you drop it? I noticed you got dual exhaust. first time ive noticed it on a 2007 i4 camry here in australia. can i ask if the other exhaust is just a fake or not?
  18. Damnn that weather was insane. Was driving to work through the CBD at around 2.45. Bit hot, seemed all good. grey skies. rocked up to work 15mins later..hail. stepped into work and cause i work in the lowerground level i didnt notice anything. stepped out to check it and saw all the flooding!! st kilda roads and kings way traffic = worst
  19. i dont think it was me bro. jumped in my car for the first time this week on thursday and i didnt go on main road till tonight. while im here, around 8.30pm tonight one of you corolla boys were tailgating me up cairnlea drive. it was either black or dark blue with 5 spoke rims. had music pumpin. Dont know if it was anyone here though.
  20. Damnn, i gotta ship it to sydney to get angel eyes done? With the requests..anyone know a joint in melbourne that can do this?
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