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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. ive seen your car round heaps.

    cant remember where but i know those plates!

    its either uws penrith or mtdruitt/rooty hill area i cant pick which 1... lol

    welcome to the club ey?!

  2. greetings fellow corolla owner :P

    there is a website based in germany that sells a lot of aftermarket parts. if i could only remember the website, id give it 2 u right now. theyve got a whole lot of stuff that we find hard 2 get down here, so you are pretty much living in a better place then we are in this case :P

    no wait i got it- www.trc-tuning.com

    enjoy the forums Dymi :)

    welcome to TOC

  3. well it wasnt just 1 light.. it was the middle interior light as well as the 2 frontseat lights located near the rear view mirror.

    but this wasnt the first time ive left lights on in the car overnight either.

    the cars gone just over 40000 since 2003.. never changed the battery and ive had 2 amps 2 power up for the last few months... the first amp went in about october last year?

    so yea wasnt suprised that the car couldnt start when i turned the key after leaving all the lights on overnight

    if anyone knows where to get them yellow car batteries.. the 1s that are supposedly meant 2 last longer than regular batteries... can you let us know where you can get em in west sydney metro area?

  4. i learnt by tearing my car (and my previous car) apart 2 see where the wires led to...(then putting it all back together of course) and by asking around up in here. therez heaps of helpful people in here!

    its easy 2 learn if you really wanted 2.

    ps - HOPE YOU APPRECIATE THE PIC I POSTED (look up)... i accidentally left my interior lights ON last night after taking that pic... battery went flat n i required a jump start. :P

  5. I got sick of running the wires though, I've done it in my conquest twice and it took me quite a bit of fussing and alot of cursing to get it through the rubber tube connecting the door to the rest of the car.

    i had the same problem with the wiring in the doors until i found an easier way of getting the wires through the rubber gasket thingo. its kinda hard 2 explain without havign to literally demonstrate it. im not willing to pull apart my car at this moment especially coz its raining atm... but ive taken a pic of the general area and drew up what you should do.

    the pic ive taken is from the passenger door. the wires that run through to this door (on my car) are:

    electric windows

    stock speaker wires

    so what you gotta do is -

    1. identify all wiring that runs from the door to inside the car

    2. locate the end of the wires that is found inside the car

    3. disconnect the wires from this end.

    4. do the same with the other end of the wires - disconnect wires from inside the car

    because all the wires are disconnected, it is much easier to pull the gasket out.

    you will probebly need a flat screwdriver to persuade the gasket to detach.. much the same way you would use a spoon to take the lid off a can of milo.

    the gasket is rubber.. its strong and it can bend, so you wont damage it at all.

    once thats done, pull the gasket towards you so that the gasket and wiring hangs loose.

    when its loose, you can easily feed the new wires through!

    to run new wires through the gasket:

    1: poke a LONG flat ended screwdriver through the gasket

    (make sure you have the correct length of wiring and feed it through the hole that leads to the gasket)

    2. sticky tape the new wire to the end of the screw driver

    3. pull the screwdriver back out of the gasket- the new wires should have logically been fed through with the screwdriver.

    4. pull the rest of the wire through the gasket

    5. reconnect all wiring inside the car

    6. push gasket back into place on the car side

    7. reconnect wires in the door

    8. pull the wires in... this will cause the gasket to be put back into place


    wish i took pics of me doing this while i was installing my punch's... but once i figured out how 2 pull out the wires and the gasket properly, it took a matter of MINUTES to complete.. instead of hours trying 2 fiddle around with the very LIMITED space your fingers have tryign 2 guess your way through.

  6. you have a point there...

    i tested out my speakers via the stock wires and they sounded fine! after that i wired up the amp to the 3way punchs and ive set the amp to nearly the lowest setting it can go coz it got 2 damn loud 4 everyday driving.

    i havent sound deadened at all yet so maybe when i got the cash or someone starts giving it away 4 free (yea right)...

    but yea. amping up the front speakers isnt entirely necessary. i have gone though all the trouble of installing the stuff myself but i see no point in taking it back out.

    your choice though.. do what you gotta do 2 fulfil your needs

  7. couldnt be happier with my sub and its only 8inch square. supposedly makes bass equivilent to a 10inch round sub.

    if you want decent all around sound instead of deafening *DOOF*DOOF*DOOF* then i dont believe you need 2 get a 12inch.

    but yea on a side note i think size doesnt matter in this case.. people just like to say "hey mines 12inchs!"

  8. BUT!!!! Speeding is still allowed ><" ahahaha

    no its not... sorry mate its not something we condone around here...

    yep totally agree!

    there isnt much that p1sses me off more than seeing stupid people (p plates or otherwise) driving irrisponsably.. as if theyre the only ones on the road.

    just today i saw 2 cars trying 2 drift while in a crowded shopping centre carpark. how wreckless can ya get

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