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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. ivan drago was good as he-man! but they did stuff that up by transporting them from their reality to our real world with fast food n sh!te... hehe

    kylie was good in streetfighter... but yea they stuffed up dhalsim being a sh!tty scientist who does NOTHING special.. as well as blanka..

    -side note- if you wanna see a real (not cgi) yoga master with stretchy arms in a movie, check out ONE ARMED BOXER vs THE FLYING GUILLOTINE.

    good stuff!

    AVP.. wasnt bad since i didnt expect anything and 4got all the previous alien and predator films that came b4 it. btw this is from the same movie company who brought us freddy vs jason... so yea. that movie was a stuffup.. since neither of them are ever going to die.

    doom... kinda liked that 1?! the 1 sequence that went into 1st person view was amazing... the CGI and special effects were awesome..(example - pinky?!) and it was obvious there had to be some sort of reason in the storyline for the hero to be off by himself - just like he was in the very first game of doom. from memory... doom (the original game) never gave any explanation as to why he was off by himself in the firstplace...and you kinda had to just discover it as you progressed through the game.

    bottom line - if you have no expectations about the movie b4 you walk in the cinema to see it, then you wont be dissapointed!

  2. na man its not actually a remote wire..

    its some other wire that basically does the same function when you wire up your remote wires to it.

    just checked what the grey wire is on our rolla.

    its the +12 volt ignition wire if that means anything to you.

    tell your mate to check WWW.INSTALLDR.COM to search wiring diagrams for his stock stereo.

  3. me thinks that saying only applies 4 things that dont work... hehe

    i dunno.. but yea.. if youve got the money to spend on some quality name brand audio equipment then good on you.

    as long as you keep your recipt n warranty papers then your pretty much secure that it would work perfectly. peice of mind in what u buy is a good thing 2 have

  4. didnt notice i 4got harrison fords charactor in those movies... :P


    didnt u see my avatar :P

  5. i dont believe thats true!? i mean... chewy wasnt trying 2 be THAT funny in the original films...?

    i think that the story of starwars changed over time.. its like 20+ years between the originals and the "episode 1,2,3" movies.

    from memory, all of the main charactors had some funny in them. luke, leia, chewy, indiana jones... they all had sarcasm or jokes at 1 point or another!

    compare that to the newer movies with jar jar... modern scriptwriters put all the funny into just 1 charactor.. kinda like an 'urkel' charactor amongst the straight ppl in the film...


    me n the wife are heading off to the meet soon..

  6. the story for TMNT is supposed to have grown up a bit with the young adults who used 2 watch it as kidz. (paraphrasing from the newspaper article i read yesterday).

    sounds interesting though? who cares if it was CGI... its NINJA TURTLES for freekz sake.. how realistic did you expect it to be?

  7. yea u can kill anything with a match and a bit of petrol :P

    check woolies in the detergents section.

    i couldnt find it in big w even though that website said its there as well as bunnings.. didn tsee it at bunnings either

  8. who me? d-ice you helped me with this audio setup remember? the remote wire from the amp connects to 1 of those wires that comes out the back of the head unit. cant recall the function of the wire but from memory it was the grey 1.

  9. i was thinking to move it more underneith the ceiling of the space so that you can push the door all the way. from the looks of your pic, the position you placed the magnet is causing the lid to be left that 2mm open.

    try 2 remove the magnets and see how far it will close.

    i am just guessing that it will look like nothing was done to the ash tray if it manages to close all the way... thats why im asking to try and remove the magnets first.

  10. overpriced i say...

    if you really just want it to WORK.. then your ears wont hear the difference between a 14.95 part or the same part from another brand that costs 4-5 times more.

    thats kinda why im not so sure id upgrade my avalanche amp to another kicker or RF to power the Punchs.

    if the avalanche fails me, then maybe id get something with a brand name on it. as long as the bugger works its all sounding GOOOOODD 2me :P

    and another thing.- my avalanche has survived since 2003, being screwed onto the back of a sub box carrying 2x 10" subs while i was still driving my landcruiser.. and i drove over anything and everything to get to where i wanted to go. lotza rough bumps along the way, but the amp never once malfunctioned.. so i think a lot has 2 be said about the more affordable brands.

  11. thanks azza...

    i was just scrolling down from my last post thinking...



    some people are just visual... they dont bother with text!?!

    not putting you down or nothing... just an observation - i gotta notice that kinda crap from my students since im learning 2b a teacher.. heapz of ppl do it

  12. if you want to remove the hinges, maybe just stick some wide, black masking tape along the whole bottom edge of the ash tray door.

    does the door close completely without that magnet?

    reposition the magnet so it sits inside that roof of that empty cavity. that way the door will close all the way.


    your pic of the side view looks as though the only problem is the magnet. take out the magnet.. if you are happy with the way it closes WITHOUT the magnet, then try 2 reposition ithe magnet like i did in the diagram i drew up.

  13. i left my rear speakers stock.


    driver and front passenger get priority when it comes 2 best sound... so the punch's are up front.

    i have an 11month old in the back seat and i dont have a need 4 HUGE bass.

    i can turn it up to 11 if i was driving on my own, but otherwise, its set to a minimum with the kid in the back.


    as you can see in my pic... its only 8 inchz... but lookz good! punchz bass like a 10" without taking the amount of space a regular 10 would.

    whoever came up with the idea that subs HAD to be 12"- 15" for decent bass musta been deaf by the age of 20. i aint putting my car into no car audio competition and i didnt need 1!

    since i made the box to fit the corner i have FULLY functional hatch space for shopping, the stroller fits, and gives my a$s a good rub when i wanna feel some bass

    its not the size that matterz, its how you use it :)

    **SHAKE N BAKE!**

  14. try this - 0842 312 820

    i believe this is the party number.

    not a fone number.

    oops this isnt the stock number sorry... this is the aftermarket grille... minus the toyota emblem.

    id check the wreckers if i were you...

    or you can purchase my stock grille that came off my conquest?? make ppl think you dont have lift... then once you take off... WOOSH! *just so you know ive never felt lift b4.. just imagining a woosh sensation when you hit it :P

  15. well.. youve only gotta watch the right episode of pimp my ride for the instructions...

    from memory to put a scoop on you gotta sand away the paint on the stock bonnet down to the metal,

    cut the required hole outta the hood,

    rivet the new scoop on top,

    bondo (i mean bodyfiller) over the edges,




    clear coat... done.

    thats with a regular scoop though... celica scoops and c-one scoops are different in that they go into the hood instead of sit on top. interesting challenge...

    must check my mates celica to see how the scoop looks when you pop the hood... cos the frame on the corolla hood would kinda get in the way.. might have to consider cutting through that frame to make it fit?

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