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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. been running this setup for the last few months...


    the kickers came first, then the punch's were installed just over a month ago. all this with the stock hu... which the cd player no longer functions for some reason...


    this is an old diagram i drew up while i was installing the punchs.

    looks like i 4got the little rca adaptor thingy i bought from autobarn for 14.95. you gotta basically solder the wires from this to the corresponding stock speaker wires to send the signal through the rcas and into the amps. not complicated if you are into DIY. btw i DIY'd so i saved on installation!

    **SHAKE N BAKE!**

    i mean...

    ***PUNCH N KICK!***

  2. white rolla at the intersection turning right towards marayong from richmond road... its at the corner of the abandoned petrol station?!

    white rolla with black altezza tail lights...

    most likely a pinoy driver because i think he looked pinoy? and i noticed the TRIBAL GEAR logo slapped onto the fuel tank door.


    sucks we cant buy tribal down here :(

    lucky ill be going back 2 philz n gonna get more shirts!

  3. Offroad:


    personally id keep that 1 on the M2 (highways n freewayz 4 the nonsydney peoples)... wouldnt drive it off the gutter coz you wouldnt want it dirty!

    wrong range rover!

    these however would be more suitable for mud:


    i was lucky enough to witness these beasts in action back in the The Australian National Four Wheel Drive Association Jamboree back in 2000 .. i got pics but they are hiding somewhere in the house... lucky i found these pics online from the same jamboree.





    hard 2 find parking in the bush


    loved this yellow 1



    but this was a monster bushy... after the smell coming outta the exhaust n seeing this thing in action... ***droooolll***..

    this 1 didnt qualify4 any of the events coz the 4wds in the competitions had to be registered. im guessing it would be hard to get this approved by the RTA.



    i guess i would choose the bush ranger over the dune buggy anyday :P

    im drivin a corolla now but still loving my 4x4s ;P

  4. 40kmz over the limit?

    id be b!tching if i was fined for driving 2km over the limit, but 40km - theres no excuse 4 it!

    no variables would or should be considered if you are speeding that far over.

    road rules are there for the safety of all drivers.

    just pay it.

  5. inspired by that batmobile pic in one of the other threads... it got me thinking about the cars i find myself searching for online every once in a while. Im talking bout cars youd see in tv shows or movies when you were a kid and always thought to yourself "im gonna get me that car someday!"

    regardless of power, torque, engine size etc.. just coz i love them!

    heres my list including pics for your enjoyment. feel free to add your dream carz up on here as well.

    #1: HUMMER.


    i know its not economical and wide az, but this was the car i been wishing 4 since i was like 15.

    #2: DUNE BUGGY.


    I remember this old cartoon that had one as one of its main charactors? dont remember the cartoon but ill know it when i see it..

    Also remeber this from the movie WATCH OUT, WERE MAD.. starring Terrence Hill & Bud Spencer.

    Classic movie! must watch for the fun of it!

    Preferrebly red.. with a yellow top :) Huge ***** tyres on the rear...

    #3 DE LOREAN


    another childhood wish... very rare in Australia but a few of them HAVE come to our shores.. converted to right hand drive of course. closest thing to buying 1 is buying 1 in new zealand for bout $58000. no idea how much to import.


    those are the 3 ill probebly never be able 2 own.. although i have a scale die cast model of the hummer.. but yea... otherwise its nice 2 dream...

  6. found this not long after she went romper...

    i know i should have posted long time ago - would have been more funny.. but i still find it amusing 2 look at since i made it :P

    heres all you need to make your own:


    *sticky tape

    and this -


    and here is one i prepared earlier:


  7. http://www.zgeek.com/forum/showthread.php?t=65566

    its a far cry from what i heard was goign on in the USA when they released PS3 up there.

    for those who preordered.. congrats!

    if i had the cash id probebly pick 1 up off the shelf if i had the $$$$ to waste.

    i got the xbox360 as a bonus on a fone plan from strathfield and didnt even play it that much.. sold it after a few months :/

    not that theres anything wrong with the 360... wonderful machine and loved playin fight night on that bugger... just kinda grew outta gaming consoles

  8. i dont fully understand what yall mean by "drilling it out".

    how would you safely do this without screwing up the rims or anything else surrounding the bolt?

    do you drill it several times on different parts or just once through the middle?

    have you got a pic of the bolt after youve drilled it?>

    this would be really good reference info if some1 tried to steal my stockys hahaha

  9. hey guys - outta nowhere i recieved a text 2nite on my mobile saying

    "u were finally spotted! hehe yay"

    it doesnt seem to be a listed number from anyone ive contacted in TOCAU previously, since i already saved those numbers in my phonebook...

    and my mobile is barred from making calls and txts at the moment so yea if you would be so kind as to let me know who you is?! would be plenty of help!

    thankx 4 the txt by the way :P hahahahaha

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