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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. good on ya for making your first post in the members rides section! that should be mandatory i say :)

    ferrari marinello red ay? got the ferrari badge n stickers to go with that ? hehehe jkz..

    well done with the mods youve put in!

    welcome to the club dude!

    whered u get the paint job n how much?

  2. when the time comes when money isnt a problem, these are the rims i wanna ultimately get.


    DRAG DR-13

    Sizes: 17x7, 18x7.5

    Bolt Pattern: 4x(100/114.3), 5x(100/114.3)

    Finishes: Carbon Black, Silver, Gun Metal, Gloss Black


    think these would fit? they come in 4 and 5 bolt patterns, just in case you were bout to say "this is a 5 bolt rim!?!"

    anyone know where you can buy these in Aus?

    if not, has anyone here gone and bought rims from overseas? how much was delivery?

  3. with all this talk bout babies...

    i rex toyota should start selling strollers that are designed to fit the bootspace of our existing cars!

    would probebly influence a lot more people to consider buying or keepin their toyota instead of trading up.

    that would be fkn brilliant

  4. 60 Watts RMS

    120 Watts Peak

    powered by an AVALANCHE 4way amp. 4x150w, so room for 2 more speakers if im bothered to mod the rears :) not likely though, since its not really needed is it?

    hehe yea the dog... chewyz always starving 4 attention!

    oops when i said 80db i think i meant 80watts.

    this is the punchs installed.


    heres the 6.5... couldnt fit the punch grille underneith the stock door panel.. was planning to make an angled pod for them to be shown off but got impatient and simply replaced the stocks in place of the punchs. stealth install!


  5. BTW JJCRU23R did you sound deaden your door trims??

    actually no i havent.

    1 day itll happen, but i havent even been in a car that has it so i have no comprehension of the difference it would make. although i have read up on it and i know its function and its a sensable thing to do if you want good sound.

    ill save it 4 after i finish up my last simester. (this is my last simester already)

    promised myself no more mods until my last day of uni!

    its not working out well at the moment but yea, when i got the extra cash 2do a little more, then its gonna get done!

  6. when you got a baby in the backseat, you dont want him 2 go deaf b4 the age of 5.

    so when hes in the car, the level on the sub goes down to zero.

    the RF punches are heaps loud with the amp if i put the level up on it, but its 2 distracting while im driving and i dun wanna attract that kinda attention from people i drive past.

  7. would your bodyboards fit with this in the back?


    i built this 4 maximum storage space

    i recently upgraded my front speakers with these and amped em up...


    4 me the stock sound was good but when i put these rf punches in, i realised that i needed 2 put the amp setting down to 80db - the minimum setting on my amp, coz it got too loud 4 my liking... but SQ is great! clear az!

  8. 1zz rolla owners please check your rear tyre wells -

    i checked my rear drivers side tyre and noticed this wierd y shaped bit of plastic that was bolted in place that seemingly didnt have a function.

    then i checked the rear passenger side tyre and found a massive peiice of plastic surrounding the wierd y shaped bit of plastic.

    did something fall off my car on the right side???

    rear drivers side:


    passenger side (fuel tank side):


  9. sorry 2 hear ur letting go of your stivo.

    bought my 03 conquest b4 i got my wife... and i now have a son who turns 1 in april..

    only problem was getting a stroller suitable to fit in the hatch with my sub in place! and thats not even a problem now, so yea... all is well with the baby seat and stroller and all that.. even when the hatch has a trolley full of groceries, its a snug fit but it DOES all fit!

    i wouldnt have been so quick to sell it if i were you, since im doing pretty well in my rolla. from the experience since ive had since ive got my kid, ive never once wished i had a bigger/better car. even if i had a 2nd kid, thats not gonna be enough to force me into buying a bigger car coz the rolla does everything i need it to do (besides going offroad.. gave that luxury up 2 buy the rolla).

    i dont think wrxs are much bigger?? the subarus ive been (both were sedans though) in had less leg room in the back than my rolla.

    guess its good to get a car with more space, but its not impossable to have a wife, a kid and a rolla. and yea, IMHO the money spent on a different car would be better spent elsewhere (kid clothes, baby car seat, stroller, bouncer, high chair, babys bedroom, babys formula/food, childcare, private health insurance, medicine, babys saving account, start saving 2pay for his school fees, car rego, home/car insurance etc.)

    basically, if i had more than 2 kids then id trade in. otherwise, i wouldnt trade.

  10. spotted JJCRU23R driving on that rd behind the hospital i live off that street and i have no idea the name of it.

    :toast: ur first spotted jase!!! :clap:

    that doesnt count mish!!

    geez we both were just complaining how we cant get spotted... then this happens 2day.

    but yea, you only spotted me AFTER i threw my hand out the damn window!

    i want someone that doesnt know me personally to spot me! so yea... that 1 doesnt count! muahaha!

  11. gday,

    umm.. are you in australia? why would the dealer not give you english instructions?

    could be a problem if its a jap model cos my mate has a sony digital video/photo camera from japan and even though there are some english charactors on the buttons, we downloaded the english version of the instructions and theres basically no language option on his model. i know its not the same as your situation.. but... i guess the best thing to do is find a japanese friend and hopefully they can deceifer it 4 u

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