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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. kinda like a ascent mated with subaru rx and came out with this :P

    not bad, definately different scoop than any ive seen on here.

    is the hood scoop fully functional or just 4 show?

    im curious cos you need to cut it to let the air through.

    can you take pics of the underside of the hood so we can see the hole?

  2. just get 2 or 3 ways for your front doors, then a sub in the boot.

    if you wanna improve the sound even more, get some sound deadener installed. - i havent bothered with that though.

    you dont need to disconnect the stock speakers in the back doors, but you wont even notice the rear stock speakers after youve installed this. i chose to leave the rear stock speakers in place.

    i got this same setup in my car as well.. absolutely no complaints!

    heres my car:


  3. used to borrow and swap vhs tapes with my mates in highschool.

    they sold these in sanity stores agez ago?!

    i got the boxset of "anime classics"... ghost in the shell, akira and ninja scroll... influences behind the matrix movies.

    ninja scroll in that box set sucks though, coz they edited out some boobage around 15 minutes into it... and other small censoring issues in there as well.

    they were, however rectified in the special edition dvd of ninja scroll... gotta cop that someday...

    dude you should watch sbs a little bit more.

    manga shows up in there every once in a while!

  4. hey tayles.. can you show me a perfectly flat surface on the dash? i was talking in terms of his bass level being screwed down and fixed to something instead of being held down by velcro.

    hey i like where i put my bass level! hhahaha!

    keeps it stealth instead of screwing it somewhere under the steering wheel.. but my point is that it would be better if he screwed it down somewhere.

    i was actually thinking that if there was a place like what weve got in the corolla... like near the immobiliser light and the electric window switches on the right side of the steering wheel.. if there was an extra space for a switch.. could possibly place it there.

    i said that coz if my bass level was as small and discreet as his, thats where id try fitting it.

  5. gday...

    heres some threads that may help you..



    the installs in those required connecting the speakers to amps though. were you wondering how the speakers will sound without using an amp?

    in that case, the sound you get from aftermarket speakers should be an improvement over the stockies..

    for example - my 3 way punch speakers can function with or without an amp and it worked well! much better than the stock speakers.

    but your stock head unit would only be what - 40wattz per speaker? if thats all you want outta your speakers then y not. if youd like to get more out of your speakers then i suggest putting in the extra $$$ for an amp wiring kit and amp.

    although there are those in TOCAU that would say that 3ways are a gimmick.. thats their opinion. i have mine, youve got yours.. so just look around and bring one of your favourite cds to jbhifi or somewhere similar, and try out their stock with 1 of your favourite songs... coz what you choose in speakers should also depend on what kinda music you listen to.

    i believe Danz has modified the parcel shelf (boot cover) on his hatch to fit speakers up on there. but they were small speakers to compliment the sound for the ppl sitting in the front seats.. he also disconnected the rear door speakers. basically he put the speakers on a carpeted board that sits over the loose fabric hangs over the boot behind the headrests. looks good too!

    6x9s basically add bass 4 those who cant afford subs or dont want to use up the space that a sub would take up in the boot. if your not planning on adding a sub.. then 6x9s sounds like a good option.

  6. adding another 1 to my list -

    cake delivery guy - 9years experience


    this cake survived the trip from rootyhill to fairfield.. some bad traffic and had to make hard stops.. and got lost along the way... plus it was 30+ degrees outside and thats not good 4 cake in the car

    never dropped or accidentally damaged a cake - NOT ONCE! since working in that shop.

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