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Everything posted by JJCRU23R

  1. oh yea another thing bout the ps2... would be kinda hard to change games or reach 4 the controls (on/off) when your inside the car if you put it underneith the parcel shelf. since that parcel shelf seems pretty hard 2 reach your hand under coz it looks like 1 solid peice, also, the vibrations from the sub would possibly make the dvd/game disc jump from time to time? glove box seems more logical for the ps2. but yea once again if it seems to work for you then do it!
  2. yea umm.. the amp now lives underneith the front passenger seat- 1 day i needed to pull the back seats down and i had to remove the amp in order to fit the stuff i needed to take home! theres still decent footspace for the person sitting in the back so im cheering :P i was considering putting a either a 2nd kicker on the other side, or leave that space for a carputer box or mount the amp there somehow, but later decided not to... grocerys fill up the space real quick! and would be impossable to fit my kids stroller in the boot if i had another sub in the left corner. where do you get cheap fibreglass??????????????? bunnings has been the cheapest for me but im SURE theres gotta be a place you can buy in bulk???
  3. hold up is this a replacement part or does it go over the stock cover?
  4. gday zoran! looks like a decent job youve done there! not all of us drive showcars and some of us (including me) really need the bootspace! and since youre happy with the sound that you get out of the sub then thats the most important thing. but on that same token, the fact that anyone who tries to look through the rear window could probebly spot it, together with the fact you can remove it all in about 10 seconds would worry me IMHO - whether the car has an alarm or not. im not knocking the worked youve already done, but its harder to trust people these days, and wouldnt want to tempt people into breaking into my stuff. maybe later on when youve got the cash and the time, you could try the custom fibreglass install similar to what ive already done with my rolla, same thing that d_ice was talking bout earlier. i chose an 8" sub and positioned it so i can make the most of the remaining bootspace, since im always pulling down the rear seats to load sh!t in the back. fibreglassing is heaps fun if you like to get your hands dirty.. if ya decide to try it though, just pm me if ya got any questionz
  5. spotted Today round 4-5.30pm? parked @ rooty hill rd. north shops black rolla with chrome rims, bodykit n a whole bunch of decals on the hatch door, sides and the hood... aftermarket grille ive only ever seen on the carmate website... plate number CJ.1***
  6. that sucks... isnt yahoo auction dead already? or was that ebay japan...
  7. OOMPH! remover! spray, smells a lot like lemon.. think the acidity in the lemon is what does the job. spray on, leave for a minute or 2 to soak in and remove! then you gotta rinse.. available at woolies, big W and bunnings. http://www.pascoes.com.au/products.php?which=117&level=6
  8. are these the same ones? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Toyota-Priu...082996497QQrdZ1 dennis how much did you pay 4 these??? jase
  9. im thinking bout paint since im afraid the angles im expecting the speaker rings and the triangle thing are going to finally be in are gonna be hard for vinyl to stick to without creating creases... maybe im paranoid, but nothing is definate yet... keeping options open as the project develops. i want those triangle things to be flush with the surface of the pod... not sticking out in any way. gotta make a home for it out of mdf... bit challenging since theres like air holes in the side, so it needs space round those. another thing.. the shape of the triangle thingz is isnt exactly a perfect triangle with 3 equal sides... so if i were to make both pods exact mirror image of eachother, 1 of the RF symbols is gonna be upsidedown... (check the pod on the left, its in different positions in both pics). should i just position them to be exact opposites or rotate the left 1 to make the RF look the right way up?
  10. i wouldnt mind doing that gounding kit.. i saw the tutorial up in here somewhere but id only be willing to do it if i could take a good look at another car thats already been done.
  11. heres where im at right at this minute with the install... coming together except the gluegun is at my dads place and the electric saw is @ work! cant do anymore than what ive already done in these pics so ima bum round the rest of the day...
  12. RIGHTT... some useful info bout the grounding cables right there! thanks 4 that! 1 problem though, the kicker mono amp i got can handle the thicker a$s cables, whereas the cheapo strathfield avalanche amp i bought ages ago (which i will be using for the component speakers) can only handle the 8 gauge? i guess i just fit the largest cables possible then for the gounds
  13. the thing just above the amp on the bottom of the page is a capacitor (i think)... the 2nd cable coming out of the distributor leading to nowhere looks like a ground 4 the distribution block?? wtf? not sure wat that thing is between the dist. block aNd the capacitor. i was kinda worried that if i put a larger gauge wire and fuse that my amps and speakers would somehow overload with power and BOOM. dead amps and speakers. am i paranoid or is there some logic to my concerns?
  14. kicker mono amp is 400 max watts x1 avalanche 4ch amp is 600 max wattz.... so thatll mean 150x4? so all up 1000watts.. RMS is usually half of that isnt it?, so 500W all up? EDIT: found THIS DIAGRAM ON CARdomain. it does answer my question on the 4 gauge, but at the same time it makes me ask a couple more questions!?! can anyone fully understand this diagram? and explain it back in here for me 2 understand??\
  15. im in the process of installing a second amp into my rolla and i bought a POWER DISTRIBUTION BLOCK to split the power coming from the battery to go into both amps. now for 1 amp,and the 8 gauge cable ive already installed works just fine. HOWEVER, the distribution block that i bought fits 1x4gauge cable for the input(from the battery), while output has 4x8gauge for the output(to the amps). do i NEED a 4gauge cable to power both amps? or is the 8 gauge cable i already have installed good enough to power both amps?? cos if i need to get the 4 gauge cable, that means ill need to buy a larger inline fuse thingy and thus gotta do more rewiring work than i initially expected to do for this project. my intuition is telling me to get the thicker cable, but if its not needed, itll save me time going back to the shops (and $$ out of my pocket). thanks 4 your help in advance jase
  16. i was talking to the guy behind the counter at ignition x a few months back when i went past there... he said he knew of a couple ppl in the forum who either bought or made covers for the stock lights that add the indicator light to it?? anyone know what im talking bout here? or was that guy getting his info mixed up with something else?
  17. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Toyota-Corolla-C-ON...1QQcmdZViewItem just thought yall would want 2 see it if you havent already come across it. Also came across this front strut bar. no brand name to it, you think its trustworthy? http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Toyota-Corolla-2002...1QQcmdZViewItem
  18. are those mirrors smaller than stock? im interested in getting mirrors with side indicator lights but i dont em if the mirrors are gonna be tiny az. if you have any info on this then please PM me.
  19. FINALLY recieved mine this morning at the post office! looks good! installed it! done! thankyou sb!
  20. JJCRU23R


    youd have to replace the whole box to put that in?!? cant you just get the faceplate without all that extra weight of of the "cluster"?
  21. just googled it...it kinda looks like the toyota tarago and the tamaraw/revo's i seen in philippinez (posted pics of these in a previous post - the tamaraw.. not the ipsum).
  22. gday guys, well yesterday i had the time to get started on making the fibreglass pods for the front doorz. so far so good, but photobucket was fcuking up on me yesterday so unfortunately i cant show you the pics of them being done yet! will try 2 post them up once i get home. jase
  23. yea! for sure like.. yea... exactly what i was thinking! totally concur with your sentimoniez! line em up!
  24. it is all trial and error... but since ive done fibreglassing b4 and ive read up quite a bit about how to go about making these thingz,i got more of an idea bout how i want to attack this project... so im not planning on redoing thingz! measure twice, cut once!
  25. thanks tayles, yea all i need to go by is pretty much these three thingz.. how was it made? was there any cutting involved? how was it attached to the panel? youve answered the first two :P that last question should have me already gathering all my materialz together - already bought resin + catylist for my fibreglass.. had some left over lying round as well as some extra mdf from my kicker sub install... i am considering painting them the same silver 199 colour my rolla is painted in (i got the extra paint sitting round for my spoiler and other parts i may still wanna spray) the same way that pic i posted with the orangy paint... but if that doesnt work out i may consider vinyling the bugger, but that scares me since i havent worked with vinyl b4... i like the look of vinyl, makes it look like it was always stock, but if i cant match the colour properly then i may as well sand it down til its smooth enough for a good painted finish. wasnt 100% happy with my kicker install since i couldnt find the right carpet material that could match the carpet in the boot... but yea, with the punch'z i got i wanna do it right the first time. thankx again taylez jase
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