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Posts posted by Speedz

  1. I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to this stuff but anyone who was at the front lines battling to keep Australia out of recession deserve a fair bit of respect.

    i'm sure if Liberal still in, who knows we might have a smaller deficent compared to whats there now. We didnt take the full brunt of the GFC partly Chinas need for our 'raw' materials and because we are small players in the world stock market etc with its rigid financial system that saved our collective **** more than the $900 handouts and spending spree...

    You might think oh yeah it proped up the economy but I can assured you from my experience with the BER program only the 'selected' few won the most lucrative contracts running into billions (collectively) and the scraps for the locals (jobs less than $150k) which successive government acknowledged they are the engine of the economy...

    Just read the news today and if Gilard goes to poll in August, she will win based on the fact us Aussie usually gives free pass to government during honeymoon period... oh i so wish she call the election then and the prediction backfires on the Labor party...

  2. Howard Govt was doing well except the fact he refused to give Costello a go which is fair enough because the people voted for Howard not Costello as the PM...

    Same crap here, the people voted (I didnt...) for K Rudd not that red hair back stabber, either way the whole Labor party was in it for the mining tax and numerous other bad decision (insulation, BER program etc...) to blame it on Rudd is kinda treating us like kingarden kids...

    The last election perhaps the general public was mersmerised by K Rudds appoarch and charisma as how i see it their only policy difference was Kyoto and 'saying sorry to the stolen generation' + the talk fest of ETS, which as we can see a mere symbolic gesture more than anything else practical...

    People said the BER program helped, well I worked in the program and its worst than a mess, currently there is internal decision to pushing spending as high as possible just to tell the public that the work is being done... (that includes final payment before 100% completion and project management fees running into salaries higher than you and I combined before the a shovel was digged into the gound...)

    As for the insulation you knew all about it on the news...

    the rest of their policy was pretty similar (except ETS) and I'm surprised the attitude that going Rudd a fair go when Howard govt did pretty well for 12 years with economic growth... (nevermind the fact they are lucky or not, luck is how you make of it...)

    3 years on

    - housing cost still high and unlikely to come down in the near future... unless you want to move out way out there...

    - grocery watch was a hmmm...

    - fuel watch? still high no matter what...

    - we will take Japan to the court for whaling in our area... they backed down for 2 years and i have nfi if they did took them to court recently...

    - ETS that was shelved where the entire election was based on the moral watever of the generation...

    - 2020 summit, now i have nfi where that went too...

    - NBN, net filter...???

    etc etc etc...

    tbh i have no idea who to vote, whoever is in the govt will have us to pay back the debt for all the quick spending in the past 3 years, i highly doubt if increasing GST was never considered as a way to increase their revenue stream... (12% -> 10% goes to the state and maybe 2% goes to feddys...) and its good that the mining tax will get serious look at and consultation but it will be implemented one way or another or maybe delayed till next election...

    for the record, i'm a swing voter... i dont have a preference... :P

  3. Well... Socceroo supporters will need to pray to all the gods in the world...

    Getting Ghana to beat Germany where they only need a draw to go through...

    What Socceroos could do is go out guns blazing and score as many goals against Serbia as they can...

  4. yesh the engine is lazy below 3500 rpm but i love the response when you stab the loud accelerator and you hear the loud roar and real speed to match...

    i tend to accelerate to 60k as quick as possible depending on traffc, coz i hate ppl who takes their sweet time rolling off from the lights lol... :P

  5. yeah screw 700 bucks for a OEM fuel pump, but if i were to get a aftermarket fuel pump do i have to get one that matches the flow/pump rate of the OEM pump? Or is that sorted by the ECU?

    lots of noob question there coz i never experienced that problem before...!!!

  6. Hi guys...

    As described in the topic header and description anyone knows whats going on...? The crappy mechanic said take it back to Toyota dealer after trying to fix it on 2 occasion but the noise return everytime...

    sometimes the hm-ing/ whining gets really loud and sometimes its quiet but the noise always returns on each trip out...

    so besides getting the pump replaced does anyone have suggestion as to what to look at 1st myself before throwing in the towel and spend on a new fuel pump? my mate said he could get the filter and the pump out, so no worries about stuffing up there and i d/l the instruction manuel to get familiar with parts in question...

    p/s the mechanic said the new pump would cost close to 700 bucks... *ouch*

  7. darn it... those new LED tail lights would have fetch some good prices down from the Dubbo wreckers...

    my apologises for not seeing the rims properly lol... at least the Nebo run would be abit more interesting with the charger on... lol

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