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Posts posted by neK

  1. I won’t even waste my time responding as its clear your ignorance and distortion of factual evidence is preventing you from thinking and seeing clearly.

    I will say that it is documented and undisputed in the civilized world that Hezbollah IS a terrorist organisation who’s goal and mission in life is to destroy the state of Israel!.

    Rather amusing to see your write that comment, when you say the Hezbollah is a terrorist organisation. Perhaps you should actually research your facts rather than rely on what the media tells you.

    The media purposely distorts the image of hezbollah and portrays them as terrorists only to justify why Israel is attacking Lebanon.

    So in your opinion Hezbollah is a Terrorist organisation, because they their goal and mission in life is to destroy the state of Israel, therefore using your basis of rational, Israelian army must also be terrorists as their goal and mission is to destroy Hezbollah who are the Lebanese resistance army trying to protect their motherland.

    As they say "One mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist" so why is the Hezbollah terrorists and the Israeli the good guys? Why not the other way around?

    I mean its Israel that have thousands of lebanese prisoners against Lebanon holding 2 Israeli soldiers. Its Israel that reduced Beruit to pieces, but they are still the good guys right? :huh:

    I think you need to be very very careful with your use of words as it is simply not acceptable to Anti Semitic comments like you have made. I will not expand on this; I think you know exactly what I’m talking about.

    So you find it unacceptable to speak about hostility toward or prejudice against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group (although you were the one who brought up religion first), but yet its ok to label the Lebanese army as terrorists and justify the killing of innocent lebanese civilians because the Israelis claim that their are Hezbollah hiding amongst civilians.

    Lastly as I’m not prepared to waste any more of my time with this matter, Israel operates extremely surgically, ensuring MINIMAL civilian loss, as its an absolute tragedy when innocent LEBANSE are hurt and g-d forbid killed. Its not Israel fault Hezbollah are cowards and choose to hide among Lebanon’s civilian population. It is due to this and only this that civilians end up victims of war.

    Surgically? How about randomly and then using the BS of Hezbollah hiding amongst civilians as an excuse. Why dont we just go ahead and bomb Australia, im sure their a terrorist cells hiding amongsts us, might as well bomb them all first and kill them before they can kill anyone else right?

    Just to add that I have many Muslim and Lebanese friends whom I care about and I would be devastated if they or any of their families were to become involved / hurt from the violence.

    Have you played that video you posted to them? Im sure they will be mighty impressed.

    I think this forum is the wrong place to start and have discussions like this, I only responded to what was already posted

    Nothing was posted about religion, keep in mind you mentioned it first. Its not ok for me to say what Mel Gibson said, yet its ok for you to post a link about muslin and how it relates to terrorism. The question to be asked here is who is really the person making anti-religious remarks.

  2. You need to understand that the war is NOT against Lebanon! The war is against Hezbollah, a terrorist organization that operates within Lebanon.

    You have got to be kidding right? Im guessing you didnt even watch the video posted by Xoom.

    Hezbollah is not a terrorist organisation, they are the Lebanese Resistance army trying to drive Israel out of their country. Israel has invaded and occupied parts of Lebanon for the last 24 years!

    Is Israel using disproportionate force? “Israel is responding to a threat of 12,000 missiles aimed at its cities. Over a million Israelis are in bomb-shelters. How would any other country respond?."

    A threat of 12000 missiles aimed, yet Israel fire first and continue to fire. More Lebanese civilians are dead, so how should Lebanon respond?

    Proportionality must be measured in terms of the extent of the threat. Israel’s actions result not just from the Hezbollah's unprovoked attack against Israel and the abduction of two soldiers. Israel’s military operation is also being carried out against the real and tangible threat against more than a million civilians, throughout northern Israel.

    Unprovoked???? Get your head outta the sand and stop believing what the media tell you. This conflict has been going on for the last 24 years. Must be ok for Israel to hold those thousands of Lebanese ppl as prisoners then right because its Israel right?

    Hezbollah – a terrorist organization dedicated to Israel’s destruction – has over twelve thousand missiles targeted against Israel and has launched over 1,500 of them in the past few days. The massive use by Hezbollah of these missiles, causing numerous civilian deaths, hundreds of casualties and widespread destruction makes Israel’s actions necessary. One should ask, ' what would other states do when confronted with a threat of this magnitude?’

    Lets not talk about missiles aimed, but lets talk about missiles fired. Lebanon is in complete ruins, substantially more Lebanese civilians have died, yet we find BS to help justify Israel's cause?

    Why does Israel bomb civilian buildings and infrastructure? "While Hezbollah tries to maximize civilian casualties, Israel does all it can to minimize them."

    Thats only what they want you to believe, and what kind of lame ***** excuse is that anyway? Hezbollah are the Lebanese resistance army, they do not wish and never will have any intention of hurting their own race. They are here for one reason, drive Israel off Lebanese soil.

    Hezbollah is carrying out indiscriminate missile attacks against Israeli population centres. Fifteen Israeli civilians – Jews as well as Arabs – have been killed, including three young children. Attacks have been carried out against large cities such as Haifa , small farms such as Meron, Arab villages such as Majdal Krum and religious sites such as Safed and Nazareth .

    FIFTEEN israelis vs HUNDREDS of Lebanese..... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmz. Whos the real terrorist?

    Reading thru your entire post, you make points of how many israeli civilians die, yet no mention of how many Lebanese civilians die. But then you make a comment defending israel's actions of bombing civilians because they are really aiming for Hezbollah. Quite amusing i must say. How come you dont seem to know the amount of Lebanese dead and only israelis?

    And before you say that Israel is fully withdrawn from Lebanon, they have not. If they have then this would not be happening today. Israel is yet to comply with any of these.

    Problem with media is that they are controlled by people with only their $$$ at heart. Some of the most powerful ppl in the industry are Jews. If you wanna keep and make your money you do not bite the hands that feed you. Hence the reason that information is so skewed.

    Think of Mel Gibsons comment of "Jews create war" or whatever it was, you think there wasnt any truth behind it. It was all truth, just that the hollywood owned jews didnt like it and will now always try to fck him up over it.

    Take a moment to actually view the first video posted, make note of what Sky news does when Galloway talks. (eg. lower his mic vol, increase the footage vol to cover him up, etc), im totally surprised that this is actually floating around and hasnt been removed!

  3. Im finding my fuel isnt lasting anywhere as long as it use to.

    Previously i would be on about 400km on 3/4 tank, now im 320km on 3/4 tank. (And this does differ depending on which servo i go to).

    Is there something wrong with my car???

    Oh and its just a regular conquest, and being auto it shifts usually about 2500rpm.

  4. Without adding any of my own opinions, Have a watch of the following video!!!!!


    That is purely about religion and one person's totally skewed view on it.

    Yes there a muslin extremists that take things to a totally different level, but there are also many other muslims that totally disagree with those extremists thinkings/teachings.

    The people that lady in the video refers too are ones who have a skewed version of the teachings. Ive met quite a few muslims (and no im not muslim, im buddhist) and some can be down right rude, and some have to be the nicest people ive ever met.

    However i dont think thats due to religion, its entirely up to the individual person.

    For as long as people bag out people of other religions, it is going to create hate, and eventually lead some of those people to think the entire world is against them.

    Push people to their limits and some will eventually crack. Unfortunately there are people out there who are waiting and will take advantage of these weaker minds, feeding them skewed information and exploit them for their cause.

    This lebanon vs israel isnt about religion, its about the israelis invading and occupying the lebanese land, and holding thousands of lebanese people hostage, that video you posted up really dont provide much relevance to this topic, and all it does is prove your ignorance to the matter and that you've been brainwashed by the media. Open your mind for a moment and look whats around you.

    Media isnt always right, and most the time the truth is padded with BS. I personally think the media themselves are responsible the cronulla riots (if those clowns didnt bother printing what they posted ie all those txt messages, there would have been no riot because no one would have known crap about it. But they publisised it to get a story, and by doing so lit a fuse of testosterone and waited for it to erupt).

  5. Im surprised thats even being shown. I thought someone high up the chain would have figured a way to have that removed.

    Im glad someone has finally managed to tell the truth.

    Everyday the media feeds all this bull**** about Hezbollah are terrorists and and extremists... what a crock of sh!t. Too bad the media has infiltrated too many minds already.

    They are only trying to defend their country (however i must admit, prior to my friend telling me this and giving me an education on the history, i did believe what the media told me... rather ashamed of that, but at least now i know whats really happening).

    Its amazing how the media try to paint an image of Hezbollah and refer to them as extremists, with hints that they have ties to Osama Bin Laden, when really they are totally against him.

    When Mel Gibson made those comments, all my mate said "its amazing what truth comes out when you're drunk" :lol:

    He has balls. I respect balls.

    EDIT: They alter the volume of his mic and allow the newsreader to just talk over the top of him. Typical media. *** I hate them.

    Did you also notice that the footage being shown on the left had its sound turned on when he was speaking, and when the reporter was speaking that footage sound was muted? <_<

  6. WTF???

    You sure mate?

    Fckkkk shoulda brought drums with ya bro!

    You paid cash right?

    I remember reading a case in New Zealand at a pump where they made a mistake too, but it was a EFT pump, so everyones details got taken down.

    Cos so many ppl rorted it, the petrol station mailed everything threatening legal action if they didnt come pay back the money.... dunno what happened after that.

  7. Mate you seriously have got some mental issues.

    You gave him room. HA! If you didnt have a problem about him, you would have made the thread, the whole "he gave me a look" thing is just a stupid excuse to bag someone out that you know nothing about. Perhaps you should take your own advice?

    You dont know me yet so quick to say what you say.....

    Have you thought for a moment he gave you a look because you were driving with foggies on? Guess not, cos its normal to drive with foggies on right? So you can see the pot holes... obviously you aint a very good driver if you cant see pot holes with your normal bulbs.

    You continue to drive the way you want, i aint gonna stop you. But dont expect to get treated nicely on the road from other road users who do find your foggies annoying (oh wait i forgot, you're King George so they should be nice to you right? And move out of you way so you otherwise you'll use your foglights on them right?).

    Foglights do make the car look nice, but remember you are on the road not a showroom.

    Just a left field thought, but maybe the guy was actually checking your car out cos its a car they want when they get a chance to buy a car? Then again you may not have got a good look at the guy and naturally assumed they gave you a dirty.

    I dont need to know you, from reading your posts its quite easy for one to see that you a self centred individual, and realistically you need to go over the fact that NOT everyone is going to bow down to you, and do things your way.

    You can stir your crap as much as you want, however if you're prepared to dish crap out to others be prepared to accept it from others.

    And whats the crap about "stay away from you on these forums"?

    Isnt forums a place where one can voice their opinions (just like you do on others?) Then again being internet world you can carry on whatever threats you like Mr Keyboard Warrior.

  8. Gee thanks.....

    i am an issue....

    maybe you just hate the fact i use my foglights!!!!

    this is exactly the type of behaviour im referring too...........

    You seriously thinks the whole world revolves around you...

    Its ok for you drive around with your foggies on (when it annoys others - but because it doesnt annoy you its ok right?)

    Yet when a L plater is learning how to drive, you cant stand to follow them for 7.2 secs, but hey im sure when you did while you were learning to drive it was ok then, because you were learning to drive at that time?

    With the Syd-> Newcastle cruise, lets not invite P platers cos it forces everyone to drive @ 90km which is unsafe when the road is 110km (kinda true, but if the road is 110km its usually at least 2 lanes if not 3, so its quite easy to just stick on the LEFTEST slow lane). But because that would force you do drive @ 90km you dont like it.

    To sum it up so as long its ok by you it has to be ok by everyone, and if they dont like it they should get over it..... right? But if someone does something you dont like then its not ok because you said so.

    Mate get over yourself, theres a lot more crap i can point out, but ill leave it there for now. And you wonder why ppl give you sh!t... one word. KARMA.

  9. Tonight i was driving on the Great Western Highway at Parramatta....driving behind a L plater driving a 4wd..

    i wanted to overtake so i changed lanes.....at the same time i changed lanes he signaled that he wanted to change lanes too....so instead of accelerating....i backed off to let him change lanes...gave him plenty of space to change lanes....we continued like this for another 75-100m...he then switched his indicator off...

    Mate, it takes only 7.2 secs to cover 100m @ 50km, that aint a very long time to have to follow someone, sometimes it even takes even longer to load up the next page after you've clicked "next page" on this forum :P

    so i thought ok..he is staying where he is...i go to accelerate....he puts his indicator back on and moves over.....and i back off again...he still didnt change lanes....so i gave him space again.....still didnt change lanes....

    so i change lanes and go behind him again and he still wouldnt change lanes..and had his indicator on still...

    finally he changed lanes...and arriving at the next traffic lights...he sticks his head out the window to have a good look at me..he gave me the biggest death stare....

    i was so very tempted to wind my window down and say "WTF are u looking at ****?" but i controlled myself...

    Seriously who on Earth did this guy think he was?? L plater driving a 4wd...giving me a stare for giving him all the space on earth....

    sometimes i just dont get it....

    Stick your head back in ur car...wind up ur window...and concentrate on driving u little piece of ****....

    Are you sure you werent tailgating him or driving like a w@nker behind him?

    No offence mate, but seriously after reading your last few posts, (the parking incident) and now this, have you ever taken a moment to think that the issue is actually YOURSELF????

    Whos to say the person in the other car wasnt thinking the same about you?

    Maybe you should chill out for a while, take up boxing lessons or something to vent your anger, but im glad you did keep your cool in this situation.

  10. I personally think foggies should be wired to the highbeam switch.... there are WAY too many ppl driving with them turned on during normal clear weather. I find it quite distracting (both oncoming and behind)...

    Its even worse when its on those hugh ppl movers that sit higher than normal cars and they have them on.

  11. I would guess thats kinda true.

    When you take out a personal loan secured against the car (which would the same as financing), you are required to take out Full comprehensive insurance (to ensure that the lender receives their money in case you write off the car).

    However should you mod the car, the insurance company can actually choose to void your full comprehensive insurance, which means technically you have not met the conditions of the personal loan of having your car fully insured.

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