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Posts posted by neK

  1. gday guys,

    what do u guys think of the holden viva,hyundai accent and kia rio compared to the corolla. i know the corolla has the best trade in value.

    I dont really think its fair to place the corolla in that range, i would say the Yaris fits in the category.

    Holden Viva = Rebadged Daewoo Karlos or Lanos (one of the two)

    Hyundai Accent = Well its a Hyundai nuf said :P (these output 1kw over the Yaris, and its 1.8, the Yaris is 1.6, and it costs more than a Yaris last time i checked).

    Kia Rio = More crappy cars.

    How can you even compare a jap made car to a korean one?

    Yeah agreed. On the off chance he did want a Sportivo they can be picked up 2nd hand some of them for $20,000 - $24,000 now with relatively low k's.

    Free plug for Anthony (76ACC) :lol:

    05' Stivo for sale, 25.5k with 6000km on the clock! Bargain!


  2. ive used double sided tape.

    the 3M stuff, the stuff just sticks, doesnt come off thru normal day to day use.

    However if someone did try to pry it open they would be able to do so (hey if someone wants to steal something there aint no way to stop em).

    To me araldite seems a bit extreme, i mean if someone does try and you've glued the damn thing on, chances are they will either damage your headlight or damage the eyelid.

    If they damage the eyelid trying to get it off, chances you wont have much success in getting it off either, hence you're stuck with a damaged eyelids glued on.

    Now if they damage your headlights, then thats gonna cost you more than getting new eyelids and repainting them.

  3. You can should'a, would'a, could'a as much as you want, the court will hear that she moved out of her lane into the path of the other car. Irrespective of weather you have the indicator on of not you STILL have to GIVE WAY. I don't understand how you people can't see that.

    It's her fault, she (her insurace) will have to pay, I recommend lodging the claim ASAP.

    I agree with you there, i think she SHOULD have waited, and shouldnt have moved unless it was clear. So I would blame her for being a crap driver.

    But my understanding is that the rammer is always at fault (even if it was caused by another driver), because the rammer should have been paying more attention.

    Should the rammer been focused on the road and not speeding, chances are they wouldnt have hit (considering the damage is on the rear bumper of one car, and front bumper of another, no side damage to either).

  4. yea i was wondering the same thing!

    Hi Guys,

    Do you know whether the CD Player has a security code? If it does, how could I resolve it if I install a standard 6 Stacker CD Player in my car?


    Some have it preset, some dont.

    If you have a security code, take it back to the person you bought it off, and have them contact the toyota dealership they bought it off.

    I know my dealer placed one on for me. However the mp3 deck i bought off another forum member didnt have a code set.

    You know when you plug it in and theres a red light that flashes.

  5. From what i read of your TRD Headers hissing thread George, it sounded like the thread was starting to head into a CES vs Non CES.

    And due to that it was closed before any more heated arguments could arise. (Thats assuming no posts were deleted/edited).

    As for the ECU reset, i think Brennden was merely questioning the logical sequence behind it, whether or not it was really the ECU reset, or whether the ECU reset triggered something else which fixed it.

    Because from a mechanical point of view, if something is supposedly leaking, reseting the ECU shouldnt make a difference.

    Obviously offence was taken on both sides due to misinterpretation. Anyways, we should all move on and leave things as they are. If the ECU reset really did fix it (irrespective whether or not one can understand the logic behind it), then we should all note it down as a thing to try in future if we experience similar situations.

    Considering when we call IT helpdesk the first thing they always say is reboot your PC, id say ECU reset is worth the shot. :)

    Computers hardware never make sense, sometimes these things want to work, sometimes they dont. (Something ive learnt in fixing so many computers.... logic just needs to be thrown out the door at times).

    As for the thread hijacking, I saw that Brennan wanted to provide feedback on TRD vs CES headers, (and made a very good point on the price vs performance issue). I can also see how one can construe that its viral marketing within the forums, however if someone else said CES were better, and had no past affliation with CES, im sure the "CES pays the mod" issue would not have arisen.

    I think we all need to take a breather and step back to re-assess the situation, we're here to discuss products and how they work for our cars, lets just leave it at that eh.

    PS: George, im sure you'll back TRD headers going forward because you think they are good, however it does not mean you are working for TRD (or gets paid to market them) either, so just cos Brennan backs CES, it does not mean he works for CES (or gets paid by them to market them).

    Its a good product in his opinion, so he has the right to say so.

  6. Took my car back to Dsports today to realign my front bar, he fixed it all up so its nice again at no cost.

    Anyways, i was having a chat to him about rims, and ive found out that he also fixes rims that have gutter rash or sratched in some way or form.

    Approximate price is $80 (starting) per rim, however depending on the severity of it, costs can increase (he would need to look at the rim to give you a price).

    Thought i would share this with everyone here cos i notice there were a few "Wheel repair group fixes" that eventuated no where.

  7. The guy has already lodged a claim with his insurance.

    I've advised them to sit back, and when the claim comes send it there insurance company and let them do the work.

    Meanwhile, leave the car in the condition it is.

    In my personal opinion, she should have waited, but whats done is done,and the person hit her from behind is at fault. i inspected the car again, and the damage is on the rear bumper only (light scratching). There is no damage on the side, so im guessing they should be in the clear.

    Ive advised them that its not worth it lodging a claim either way, to fix those stupid scratches on the bumper is gonna cost <$200 anyway, the bumper itself isnt actually dented, (good ol tow bar, i reckon i should invest in one of those too. LOL).

  8. Friends mum was driving the her CRV today and was involved in an accident.

    She was on Canterbury Rd heading West bound, in the right side lane. Now she was behind several cars, but they were stopped because there was a car up ahead wanting to turn right.

    Due to that car wanting to turn right and holding up all the cars in the right hand lane, my friends mum decided to go into the left lane (which she checked and it was clear).

    As she is merging into the left lane, a car runs up her behind.

    The damage to the CRV is all on the back, apparently the other guy has his front lights damaged and the bumper bar damaged.

    Obviously the opposing driver is claiming that my friends mum is at fault, but judging from the damage of the car, i find that hard to believe.

    My understanding has always been if someone rear ends you they are at fault irrespective if you are merging into their lane, because they need to give to you as you are indicating.

    The only way (in my opinion) that my mates mum could be at fault is if there was side damage to both cars (which there isnt).

    Btw, what should my friends mum do now? All they've done is exchange details at this point in time.

  9. Could i ask how many litres of petrol you guys are actually filling up? Im assuming these figures refer to when the light goes on?

    Not everyone fills up only when the lights on (i try to fill up on Monday/Tuesdays cos its cheaper :P ), so im wondering whats the average litres per 100km you guys get.

    Cos for me i usually fill up about 40litres after 450k, which is about 8.88L/100km, rather sh!tty economony of an economy car. :(

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