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Everything posted by ChArMs_RT142

  1. oh ok i though there was somthing wrong with my comp lol thanks
  2. This forum is starting to be a pain lol toO many probs occuring :P No thats not my user name someone else has the same haha but spelt diff.
  3. Bump i have been yesterday and today:(
  4. thrice i hope it doesnt haha i found a place that does it for $60 is that cheap? its at cabramatta
  5. ear i want get mine done lol havent gotten around to doing
  6. lol i edited it :P haha ok ok clean
  7. LoL it always seems to be an akward hi how are you :P and then blah blah lol Great night well was ok lol not much of a socialiser;) case you didnt notice :P Bec you and your friends a hilarious Next time i'll have a box of tissues for ya :P haha woo hoo i reached over 110 on the m4
  8. sticky Jase yeah im going hopfully i wont get lost haha Bec told me the way so i should be ok :) see ya later on tonight aswell as the rest of yous that are goin:D
  9. Off to wash my car now had to wait till my uncle left he gets funny <_< lol
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