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Everything posted by ChArMs_RT142

  1. Muhahaha i'd have to hitch a ride my car wouldnt make it :P
  2. ARHH thats what its is lol i got it a few months ago but instead of ringing on my mobile i rang on the house phone and it said what you wrote iNdCeNt. I just got a recent one the other day didnt ring that time. my mum got it to ..
  3. is that an inside joke i dont know about lol?
  4. Some one is alittle getting antsy lol im still paying bills with my next income ill have to see ..
  5. But i already have stickers :P and i paid for mine
  6. Great idea ill be posting :P when u PM people it doesnt count either ay??
  7. ah the cash lol yeah i know l people like to post dont they Kettle chips are nice what ever happened to there sweet potato range :( lol deli rock i had them when i used to go to the city alot lol vending machines are heaven tasty jacks havent tried them I got some more pringies today :P got sour cream again and smokiin bacon flava hope it taste nice lol
  8. yes yes .. forgot to mention that !! Ok cool thanks i try it tommorow . But now have to find out why the sub doesnt put much sound out now :(
  9. LoL how can you say your poorer? You well off Tommy Boy !!! Ill be getting some more pringles :P Cravings hit
  10. Where would be the best grounding? i have it where the stereo goes in tighten just on the side of the frame not the stereo its self the wires arent that long either.
  11. LOL Jase i cant find any funny jokes only pics lol
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