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Everything posted by Kenpo

  1. NO WAY... Alright fine. Name your drink. <_<
  2. Installed my K&N today. I now want to live at 5k rpm.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Kenpo


      SRI* No CAI for Aurions :(

    3. private number

      private number

      yeah there is?

      INJEN, weapon R

      gen 6 camry v6 in the states

    4. Kenpo


      I just checked those sites and didn't find a 3.5L Camry >.>

  3. I most likely wont be able to make anything this week/end. Sorry all, if something goes ahead have fun without me ;)
  4. To the woman in the Black AT-X on 19's and a Sportivo spoiler that turned onto the Northen Ring Road today about about.. 9:20am? You are friggen hot.
  5. This car is hot. Very nice man!
  6. Unicycles are so hard to ride :(

    1. Steve


      harder when you dont have a saddle LOL

    2. Kenpo



  7. Welcome to the Club YinG! Nothing to worry about there. There is A LOT of information in regards to any Toyota here and the people are just incredibly awesome :D Enjoy your future drives in the Yaris B)
  8. This is what he said before he edited.. What a weirdo...
  9. oi relax your ball sacks mate, you gave me 2 minutes before asking "where's my food?" -_- i was mouthing the words "keep your d^#k in your pants, its not ready yet" HAHA nah all good mate, i'm glad you guys enjoyed it. my parents were doing my head in though food should have been ready when i walked in. :P and your ole man is a champ,Dwee and i had a good chat with him and he was telling us what a troublesome child your were and is glad that your finally under the wing of a good group of Toyota people and now heading in the right direction,i think he thought you were going to be holden or ford guy which worried him. and your mums just lovely,also makes a mean burger. Hahahaha, was a great night indeed. Lee you've set a benchmark and currently my idol with that Aurion of yours. I'll pick up the pace soon :P
  10. *virtual slap* Ps. Cheers to Duy for those amazing burgers!
  11. Cleaned all the bird poop from my car. Gave it a little wax. I go back to the rear of the car to find a freshly laid piece of bird poo. fml

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Buff Hamster

      Buff Hamster

      ROFL. I have lots of magpies around our area and they know not to fly near my car >:)

    3. Kenpo


      So true man, these birds are evil and have a lethal weapon o.O

    4. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      i got attacked by a robin when i was doing delivery, i smacked it with the foam lid and it tweeted far far away after that >=]

  12. I was thinking the same thing. I have mine attached to my key ring on my car keys. Just leave the garage remote in the centre console if you must That's exactly what I do. Have one at home and one with each driver, and mine stays in the car :)
  13. There is always a rolla hatchback with the No. plate "L1LJET" in Roxy... Is it anyone here?
  14. sent you a sms reece... :) remember to go hungry guys! because you are about to taste the way fish and chips should be! If I'm disappointed, can I slap you?
  15. I'll leave my place at 6:30pm so I should be there just before 7pm. Can't wait XD
  16. Nah mate. All green P platers can have a full car. Just don't be a hoon though :)
  17. What's everyones thoughts on these in 19's? http://www.tyreking.co.nz/MANTIS.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kenpo


      Darn it, I don't want to be a commodore.

    3. private number
    4. Pah


      try speedy cheetah :)

  18. If it takes me 15min to get to Sunshine and 40min to get to the maccas you speak of, I think it's smarter for me to say no XD Guessing Troy would be up for that though.
  19. This is some awesome stuff. Thanks for the post!
  20. That's the part where I follow the others ;) Get to the car park at 7, have someone else lead the way to the next destination LOL, I'll be right behind you on this one as I have no idea of how to get to the Epic Restaurant
  21. That'd be a good time to get there Tash. There's always someone that comes late, but still.. the earlier the better :P Johnnie is always the first, I think.. lol. Anyway, I'll try be there at about 7pm as well. Depending on whether anyone else wants to meet up north/west before hand. This'll be a good night!
  22. Kenpo

    Little Rants

    I know exactly what you mean man... with the Police being everywhere bit :whistling:
  23. Dude I don't know what you sell. I'm not a big eater like Johnny but I managed 2 kebabs once Any suggestions?? Btw, cute son you have there Troy. PS. I still remain the youngest in the crew.
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