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Everything posted by Dead

  1. wtf...lol nah nah you don't 'need' a new catback if you want a new muffler. It depends on the application, but sometimes certain mufflers required to be flanged and modded on to the stock catback on the corolla. I'm pretty sure that's correct, if it isn't Dylan will be quick to correct me
  2. I know that the CES one lived up to my expectations after what Bill told me. I'm still not getting one, but it's very good. Not too sure on applications for 1zz though :(
  3. Yes...yes it was good phil lol
  4. lol I do ay, just releasing it. And trust me, I aint frustrated in other ways. If anything I had 'too' much of it and need a break haha. I'm a fluffy bunny in real life and a bit of a snag etc (plus I'm a muso) so I'm 'sensitive'...yeahhhh o.O Don't you have anything to RAWR! about Daz???
  5. Dead

    PC Rehaul

    Ah cool. I'll see how I go mate cheers for that. The Gallatin draws a lot of heat, that's why my mate designed a custom box for us (running a secondary fan etc) which actually does a decent job. Probably should have mentioned that my budget is anywhere between 600 - 1200 dollars for the supply, ram and card lol. I'll see how I go I guess Cheers Jason.
  6. Dead

    PC Rehaul

    ok dudes...are we ready to overclock? well maybe not me... after speaking with fad yesterday, my fascination with having a mini rebuild has caught my attention. With games such as S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Clive Barkers Jericho (oh man...if Doom 3 scared you then be prepared :o) coming out I'm looking to tweak my graphics and RAM back up to a level that can run these games with a nice FPS and detail level. The rest it a Socket 775 gigabyte mother board w. pci express and an Intel Gallatin (it's oringally a server chip that still competes with the Pentium D's in this day and age, so I don't think replacing it is worth it). Intel Gallatin CPU (forget the cache and fsb but they are still bloody good) 2 x 512mb DDR1 (or 2? dammit I'll have to check) look to go all out to 2gb of ram Gigabyte 6600GT Graphics card - to 7600GT or higher?? What's something that is going to run high end graphics very well but at a decent price? etc etc etc...any help appreciated guys (i'm looking at brandon, corey, phil and dennis atm haha) I need a new power supply (silent pref.) as my current one goes 'TANG TANG TANG TANG' when it's cold lol. Bearing I think. Dennis (fad) seemed to have a bit of a chuckle at this haha. Cheers guys!
  7. OMG!!!!!! Stupid girl in lancer this morning in multi story car park!! Wasn't looking where she was going and had EARPHONES IN!!! WTF?! WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING YOU F*ING ANOREXIC!!! YOU NEARLY HIT MY BABY!!! ...and while you're at it... PUT ON SOME WEIGHT you skinny a55!!! "Ooooo look at me take this hairpin corner *snap* ohhhh noooo there go my arms from the steering recoil!!!" RAAAAARWWWWRRRWRWRWRRRARAR!!!! STAB STAB STABBITY STAB!!! ps: metamucil doesn't work :(
  8. And tell him to get some friggin imagination. 350Z is now the official mid-life crisis car these days. How about people who think they're so above the law that they need not indicate at roundabouts or to change lanes - seriously, do they think they're cool???? You're clearly a superior driver if you don't "need" to indicate to change lanes <_< OR All the idiots who want to race me at the lights because my car is loud and looks like it goes fast - NEWSFLASH - it doesn't! YES old couple in Avalon, YES father of two in VT Berlina, YES labourer in sh!tbox, go for your life and floor your auto transmission - NEWSFLASH - I don't care! I'm just gonna turn the music up and relax B) RAWR!!! If people do not indicate properly in front of Jimmy then I will STAB THEM IN THE THROAT. End.
  9. I think we've all done that. Then I was 19 I spelt with a girl who was 16. When we told each other how old we were we freaked. Meh...it's ok.
  10. bring it to the next meet mate. 6:30pm Krispys car park in Woden next tuesday
  11. Yeah I'm in a really dark mood today ay lol. That dark that I even cracked a Steve Irwin joke this morning. Goes to say as well because I acutally admired the guy for what he did :o
  12. Andrew...dude...it was hell funny lol. Was better in real life tho. WAAAAAAATATATATATATATA *guy lying on ground dazed pinned by scooter*
  13. What the??? Everything all good??? To you others...you're all towels!!! Mick can you see what Richo and Mickism are doing lol. Richo = killing stuff most likely Mickism = Shagging chicks most likely
  14. Guy on vespa scooter this morning when I saw my mate at his work (around 8:15am). Guy on vespa notices that the bike bay is full. He then goes to mount the curb to park on the sidewalk. Front wheel touches the gutter, he gives it a little. Nothing. It was then that Beau and I noticed the light pole directly in front of him. Guy on vespa then spread outs, lifts himself off the scooter, revs it and dumps it. Now the scooter has gone berko and taken off up the gutter, and not only does it hit the light pole, but more so it 'mounts' it with the front wheel followed by the rear. Scooter goes around 1 meter high in the air (bouncing off the limiter) and crashes down on 'Guy on vespa's' arm, pinning his hand to the throttle (still bouncing off the limiter). Funniest thing EVER.
  15. What wasn't Nelson either...that was me.
  16. Stupid DUMB f*ing b!tch this morning in MUMMIES EUNOS (P plater, the ones that give others the bad name) that decided to cut not one...but two cars off just to get ahead of me before the turn off to civic. So what if my car is better than yours? Does that mean you have to cut other people off? NO it doesn't. You're a fat b!tch anyway, get that a55 on a treadmill and stop eating hungry jacks and RJ's, and better yet, instead of driving mummies car to work every morning WHY DON'T YOU WALK! Get that ar5e into shape (if it's possible). If you cross me again, I will STAB YOU IN THE THROAT with my f*ing collecters edition trd pen!!!! There I feel much better now.
  17. I have to admit, if you're going really low a simple set of ride height adjustable coilovers is probably the best go. It's like riding around on 4 poles if you tune it that way lol.
  18. not replying fast enough...MUSH DOGGIES MUSH!!!
  19. I think that could actually be a tarted up ascent sport...although I'm not too sure. I remember seeing a silver ascent sport like that with the door handles colour coded and the tivo kit on it.
  20. I'll just babble on then... Lesbian Seagull
  21. ...put in 10 x 25Kg rice bags in ur boot wit King SLs...n u get...an A** that just looks like it floats!! :o ...or stock stivo height n load up the back wit seats flat, with 25 x Cases of Crown Lager n bob's ur uncle...u got SL's!! Lolz...i'm a delivery boy...i know :o :o :o
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