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Everything posted by Dead

  1. same is me that's all. at least I have an idea on what mickys car will look like with the drop now :)
  2. Just so you know Tom, I've seen a Lion Hunter become the hunted. He was mauled to death (or should I say...torn apart?). It was an underground black market clip which I can't find anymore, but it is disturbing. Although I felt a sense of release in one way as the pr!ck deserved it for hunting an endangered species for trophy sport. His co hunters had to watch him...well...yeah...being 'yummy yummed' by the big cats.
  3. I know man...I know. Weak.
  4. Of course I'll be nice to you. You're name isn't.........no I'd better not say ;)
  5. Pete...that's a 35mm drop yeah?
  6. You and Mick will be with me, you with your custom ferrari red R34 GTR, and mick with his RX7 Series 7 dream car.
  7. Watch the clip in the link on the previous page man lol
  8. Dead


    We'reeeee sorrrrryyyyyyyy silvvaaaaaaaa...
  9. My bum is on the swedish...swedishhhh...swedishhhhhhhhhh lol j/k Danny. Long story if you don't get that joke. I'm Nelson.
  10. Petey is : Da derp dee derp da teetley derpee derpee dumb lmao j/k man
  11. Stupid WRX's. You watch guys...5 years. Project AE86. Can you say, 'Cya later Fully Sik hotted up WRX'?
  12. Rob Schneider is: Da derp dee derp da teetley derpee derpee dumb- rated pg13.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhLbP7dWK2w...Rob%20Schneider I'm fine Becky Wecky and Petey Wetey. Watching South Park rip on Rob Schneider cheered me up. This is one for you Pete.
  14. If my bum had touched northy? Yes I'd cut it off. I'd cut it off starting at my neck...
  15. Oh I am cheery dude. I was pi55ed off before tho. I took it out on a MY01 WRX on the parkway. OWNED it by the way. The chick driving it was pi55ed off. Stock WRX vs stock Sportivo @ 120kmp/h roll? No chance. Those things have no balls top end.
  16. My bum is on northyyyy northyyyy northyyyyyyyyyy And that's not very fun... When you have to cut off your bum... I like to put my bum on things... It's fun for everyone...
  17. Nah, chatting to Bec. Dude, we sealed a commitment last weekend that was sacred and meaningful and she went and farked her end of the commitment I'll put it that way. Something between 'us' nothing else. She just promised something and broke it 5 days later. Farking sh!ts me. ENABLE SWEARING IN THE FARKING FORUMS!!! I'M SICK OF USING ! AND @ AND 55 TO SPELL 'A55'!!! There I feel better now...
  18. I mean sh!t gets promised man but never gets delivered. It's like she's off the farking rails now.
  19. :o :o :o WOA!!!! I THOUGHT NO ONE WOULD EVER GET THAT!!! Dude...I commend you That's freaky... are you serious? was it intentional? Yes man...very intentional lol. I'm into coding, and thought I'd have some fun with my nick. I have the same one on msn. No-one found out, until now! :| finally! my wierd quirk for trying to find hidden messages in random caps has paid off! hahahaha lol it paid off indeed man. i still commend that effort. crazy Yeah Grey Rolla I agree. I have plans on restoring one in 5 years. Budgeting around 35K to spend on it. Will be a street/mild track car. Would like to drift it but the constant revving might kill the motor (4AGZE Turbo hehehehe)
  20. Pfft. www.youtube.com Search for it on there man! lol
  21. U cant hate us!!!! u NEED us!!!! :) Depends on the female. I don't care anymore. I have my work, my car and the club/friends. Sh!t's been going on for a month now. Fark it.
  22. Cheers Chompies! Oh yeah I know Pete. I tried to buff my a55 once and I came out in a rash. Lame.
  23. G0ddammit I hate females sometimes...
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