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Everything posted by Dead

  1. Pic doesn't work for me. I'm at work though. Meh... :rubs nipples:
  2. He hot too? I bet he's a dead ringer for Val Kilmer ala 'Iceman' from Top Gun. Oh behave...
  3. :salute: I'm in at work every day at 7:30 odd. Up at 6:30 though. Not really that early I'd say, but for people in the public service they think it's early yeah lol.
  4. Ok now mods don't 'CLOSE' this ok... lol. It doesn't seem to be a for sale thread, a mere enquiry. Tara, try www.redbook.com.au to seek a figure as to what it's worth privately.
  5. Meh... you haven't seen what Dave's (HAT3IT) lady friend can do with a banana. Is it still youtubed Dave? lol (Note: No no guys she doesn't do 'THAT' with it fyi)
  6. It is. He is legend. Ooo... only Nelson would do something like that. I cannot stoop that low unfortunately. In saying that though, c: drive ftw still lol.
  7. Agreed!! Put it back up! Yeah put it back up...i want to see too myspaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace! Sketra also has a bf, so he probably wouldn't like the harassment she's getting for photos .. Meh she put it up here though. Twas good eye candy. HOTTTTOOOO PANTSUUUUUU! (say it with me Dongsoo... when you see this)
  8. Current: Dream: (I know why you did this Brandon... very clever. Mick get the Evo 9)
  9. Well look, I'll agree in saying that you are attractive sketra. Everyone on here knows that I'm the biggest sechs machine of all though.
  10. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  11. Wrx people are nice. It's the following Wrx people you have to watch for: "I own a Wrx. I am better than you. Peni5 length is in my favor. My Peni5 in fact, is the hero of this and EVERY hour. I own a Wrx. Yes, I am better than you. I....own.....a......Wrx. You may now kiss my feet and grovel before me like a subservient child in front of a candy deity."
  12. I play guitar. I must be a hippy...
  13. This entire thread is a playground for Nelson. You were all warned.
  14. It is, of course, time to for you to admit that you like him also... Queue music: Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  15. Dead

    Brad's Levin

    It's... the Beeee raddddd, in his sophisticated, uberclassy black shiny levin. Everyone knows him. Everyone wants to be him. Uber pics are uber.
  16. sry for double posting, but was that a joke from the simpsons? or theres actually som1 in WA named nelson i also dont know of? Nelson is an enigma of sorts. He is hard to describe to people who aren't already familiar with him. I will admit that he has had somewhat of a decent track record in terms of his taste with females.
  17. If it's engineered and certified you're fine.
  18. It's not news or a result though? I'm confused and scared now...I'm playing anymore.
  19. They won't be able to if they're using different materials to make it. From street talk, I've heard the Jetspeed are a class and a half above what Carmate are. I'm not too sure whether it's ABS plastic they're using or not. At the end of the day, that's the material you want your kit to be made out of.
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