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Everything posted by Dead

  1. Comes with Christian Bale so he can beat up people for you? Hope so...
  2. Plus you get an IRS rear end from memory? B@stards >.>
  3. If I were in an elevator you'd find me in the back. I like observing. You can judge someones character just by looking at them whole. They aren't as intimidating when you're looking at their back. Intimidation is like a security blanket for people. Once that's gone, there isn't much of anything else left besides who they 'really' are. If you take that away from this girl, then you see what she really is. Bored, sitting at home and sating her curiosity as to what people think of her. There's nothing wrong with that either. That really is the million dollar question though. What would be left of me if I took my intimidation blanket away? Most likely a quiet guy sitting in an office. Then again, is this me being intimidating? Ponder ponder ponder.
  4. Dead

    Uncensor "G.O.D"

    We can say 'gods'. I see. Hmmm.
  5. I like polls. Firstly, is it even possible to uncensor it? I hope so. It's so dang annoying. It's just a word for gods sake. <------ Oh ffs... see?
  6. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffail
  7. She scares me, and that's A LOT coming from me. That's like something I'd do....... Oh dear, I think I'm in love.
  8. It's faker than Spice Girls live man.
  9. Anytime Holly. Like I said, I'm very sure that's what it is. I ran it past my mechanic and he even agreed that that's what it would be. If the motor is old and tired then hey, there's nothing a decent half cut won't fix ;) This could be a blessing in disguise.
  10. /bow to the dong I could have someone interested in 86 parts wise man, anything to help you out. Once you have an official for sale thread started I'll direct them to it. There's 2 guys here in Canberra who are mad on them.
  11. Clear sign that the rings are burnt out. White smoke = burning oil. Yeah get it checked out and fixed asap.
  12. It won't conk out I don't think, but it could explain why it isn't making as much power as it should etc. It's what I'd call an annoying engine fault. Nothing drastic I don't think, but annoying yes.
  13. Sounds to me like you've blown a ring or ring(s) in the motor. You'll have to get them replaced m'dear :) Get someone to suss it first just to be sure though.
  14. Pics don't show for me at work. You don't happen to have mushroom coloured gunk in the air filter by chance?
  15. I can't leave. I like my chess board.
  16. That's an awesome idea, because like, the bat would like, fly out of the car and stuff, and like, bite the person and give them rabies! f*** yeah!
  17. If we look at the evolutionary cycles of the English language, we are presented with some subtle, and some sudden changes. The transition from Old English to Middle English in the year 1066 saw the transition into something that resembles what we see today in terms of English, if ever so slightly. Prior to 1066, Old English involved the use of runic glyphs prior to the introduction of the latin alphabet, which could be argued to be the end stepping stone towards Middle English. Ultimately, 1066 was the turning point from the germanic / viking / celt overtones of Old English, to the more modernised form of English, Middle English. Below is an example of Middle English compared to that of Modern English: The question I pose is this: "Are mobiles phones and the internet going to be the root cause in another shift in the evolutionary cycle of English?" Lord help us if it is. References: Wiki.
  18. PC-Cillin, AVG, whatever. Get decent Internet protection and install it when you can. If it's free, it's not going to work as well. Trust me. Thats why you get a host of free programs to do one job each - rather than whole package solutions (Eg Norton, Pc-Cillin etc) A combination of stuff like zonealarm, AVG, adaware etc... and a decent file cleaner/shredder.... I found that to be more effective that McAfee and Pc-Cillin - and I paid for those last 2! Unless you suffer from acute paranoia like me :\ I'm terrible.
  19. I have to admit I was saddened to see it go quiet last night. I thought there was going to be more...entertainment. I have something to share though. At lunchtime I'll do some research on something and post it up in here. I'll try and be as in depth as possible, but basically it will be addressing the evolution of the English language from as early as the 1300's and onwards.
  20. "There is nothing that pollyfilla cannot fix." - Paris Hiltons plastic surgeon, upon discovering that half her brain was missing.
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