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Everything posted by Dead

  1. Dead

    G.I. Joe Movie

  2. I'm a firm believer in Karma. I think that's why I'm no longer so quick to be another persons judge and jury. I'm sure that she will end up in a predicament of her own, very soon. See how you go, but should you get the stiff end of the stick, be calm and take it on the chest. She won't be as lucky next time methinks.
  3. Dead

    Battlefield 2

    Anyone else interested in playing again? I realise it's getting old, but the fun just never stops in my opinion. I miss the days where my mate and I used to pack up jeeps with C4 and drive at a bunch of dug in guys full pelt, "ALLLAAAAAAAA!"
  4. She probably tried to stick to her word, but folded like a paper plane when on the phone to her insurer. Some people are weak-willed. You are sure you have no witnesses at all?
  5. Wheels Magazine will be renamed to 'Fail Magazine'. The amount of Fail they pour into each issue is mind blowing.
  6. Gah, the trip just isn't feasible for me unfortunatley. Even if it was held in Sydney again. Work is hectic at times. It's my own choice to work the hours I do, but I do it for a reason I guess. Going up to QLD is too much. The QLD guys deserve cred for actually making the trip down last time. I don't know how you guys get the time off personally. Mine is all saved up for family, friends etc. I'm still yet to be graced by the sheer beauty of Aimee in person. One day perhaps, one day.
  7. Thread hijack: I seek entertainment. This morning is slow. I usually rely on the investigative vein of my work to sate my hunger for conceptualisation and problem solving. I often think whether I'm going insane or not. Perhaps I've been too inward of recent times. I think I realised this last night. I'm sitting here, praying that communications are lost somehow so I can run off and solve the problem, but there's nothing. I don't know whether this is healthy or not. I want chaos so I can be the key. Looks like work has turned on me. It's no longer my saviour, but it's something else, like the girl you become enraptured with when you first meet her, but she turns out to be much more than you first anticipated.
  8. There's no shame in asking for a bit more. Ask and see what they say in my opinion. You've got a great car though. Period. I see you hail from the land of the mounty. /tips hat
  9. Saturnine - Glass and The Machines of ***
  10. x2 Even if you got ripped off, what can you do about it now? Send Nelson to the dealership for a cashback option.
  11. What's done is done. You have a great car now that's all that matters.
  12. lol @ your random foreign clips JJ. You are king.
  13. Poor Tom am I right? I agree with Newgel here in Canberra. They're expensive but at least they actually craft everything properly and use the right materials. I become annoyed with locals putting them down constantly because of their costs. Quality > cost for something like a kit in my opinion.
  14. Seriously, I like you. I don't want you to end up being another victim. The end reports were along the lines of, "I just hit a tic tac and now my kit is snapped in two." There's a reason their kits are cheap. I'd be patient and wait for something more solid. At least a custom job gives you a choice in materials in most places.
  15. Pigeon gif = win Guy on bike = lol @ the epic fail
  16. They need a video for when you get nelson-ed "I promise I won't be a keyboard rambo." x4 "Please stop freaking me out." x4 "Mods, it was Nelson." x4
  17. If I were in an elevator you'd find me in the back. I like observing. You can judge someones character just by looking at them whole. They aren't as intimidating when you're looking at their back. Intimidation is like a security blanket for people. Once that's gone, there isn't much of anything else left besides who they 'really' are. If you take that away from this girl, then you see what she really is. Bored, sitting at home and sating her curiosity as to what people think of her. There's nothing wrong with that either. That really is the million dollar question though. What would be left of me if I took my intimidation blanket away? Most likely a quiet guy sitting in an office. Then again, is this me being intimidating? Ponder ponder ponder. You're just after an excuse to check people out. You're just after an excuse to say that to me ;)
  18. I like the idea yes. If you continue to make your car more epic though it may come with a cost. It could transform into a robot one day and walk down the street shooting lasers at Holdens.
  19. Prime time of your life - Daft Punk
  20. Holy **** dude, you look a lot like Jeff Schroeder. That is a compliment btw. Good to see you're back on the modding path. You and the girl seem like quite the team in that thing.
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