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Everything posted by Dead

  1. Nelson transcends time, space and the interweb.
  2. The greatest killer of an engine is the cold. Expansion. Contraction. Expansion. Contraction. Note how ex taxi's usually have well over 800,000km's on them and they're still running fine at the end of that cycle. It's because they're running the majority of the time and the temperature is regulated. To be honest I'd be wanting my car heat up steadily, but not excessively. I never turn the motor off if I'm waiting in heavy traffic or a drive through etc. I tend to favor keeping it on as much as I can if I'm out and about in it. 1900 seems a bit high in my opinion, but if it's still warming up at a steady rate I wouldn't be worried.
  3. Dead

    New SR Lux

    The brotherhood/sisterhood can be rather unforgiving on here at times. Of course there is infighting, and we don't always agree with each other, but at the end of the day we all agree that the internet is a faceless entity that you cannot defeat. Beating the internet is like trying making love to 5 women (and satisfying them mind you), fighting a gaggle of ninja's, solving world pollution and feeding the hungry of the world all at the same time. It's something that only Takumi (or Dongsoo) can do, but of course they choose not to abuse their power for the sake of the human race as a whole. Could you imagine the insanity caused by such rapid changes, and the fact that we'd lose all of our women to them? I hold high suspicions that you haven't really bought a hilux at all. You came here to Troll and didn't realise what you were getting into. Psychologically there are angles of you that seem to parralel each other. From reading your posts, signatures and attitude patterns on here, they seem to point towards 'Troll'. Of course, I could be wrong. That's the beauty of being human. The greatest perfection is imperfection itself. Let's leave him. I'd even go so far as to clean his thread back up for him. I'm up for giving people chances. Besides, I like to play. More so, I 'want' to play. Again, and again, and again...
  4. The only way the new models can look decent is with a very aggressive kit imo. Subtlety is not this models friend, like the previous one. You need to unleash the demon. This is proven by a certain someones avatar.
  5. Dead

    New SR Lux

    Perhaps you should ask 'Garth' what to buy in terms of a sparky vehicle hmm? *stares*
  6. Dead

    New SR Lux

  7. Did you get them? hell yeah Good to see you are legal now. In more ways than one... OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
  8. I hope that previous owner wasn't a complete noob as we originally thought...
  9. HAHAHA, what can i say LOL Nelson's never had it better. Cooks, cleans, everything!
  10. I'll do anything to keep this topic bumped. I made this for you aznpsuazn. I hope it makes you smile a tad:
  11. Good to see you're putting your sickie to good use though dude. I don't really need to be hungover to exhibit fluey symptoms. I see myself as quite the actor in fact. I can put on a flu very very easily (even though I haven't had one for a year now). Usually if I've ever chucked a sicky before, it involves staying at home, watching movies and shooting stuff on the computer.
  12. fo sho ! im possibly the only person to be able to rival u in that area rob :P /bow The man has a point
  13. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!
  14. It's most likely faster than a Hilux though. If you have nothing nice to say, please just don't say it. Yes it ran a 13.6. POS honda? Gee, that's half a second quicker than the majority of ls1's out there. Plus I'm making bets that it doesn't handle like an obese child after a McDonalds binge? It really is a lovely looking little package. I keep gazing at it. Get busy Melbournites and band together!
  15. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! An old, but classic piece. Lu Kim rules.
  16. The parable of Glen McGrath's haircut - Tism
  17. Man that thing looks gorgeous. I hope it finds its way back to you in one piece. It looks like you've put much into it. Respect mate. It's most likely faster than a Hilux though. If you have nothing nice to say, please just don't say it.
  18. Dead


    I think that's why I love Buddhism so much. So laid back, and the philosophies associated with it just make sense. but in regarding to buddhism, what about it, is it that you like....my parents are buddhist and I find its philosphies..illogical....so i'm quite curious which philosophies in particular that makes sense to you..is it the reincarnation cycle...or is it something else?? As a whole I became interested in it because it seems to focus on what is going on around us and within us. That interest hasn't fully projected me on the path to actually practicing it full time, but it's a start. It appears to encompass the understanding of an individuals own self through reflection, and most importatly reality outside of them. In general I find Buddhism to make sense more because of that. I chose the wrong wording in my post, sorry.
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