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Everything posted by Dead

  1. If your speedo reads 100km/h then you're actually going 101.8km/h that's all.
  2. epic Can I has m60 mounted on the roof? kthx
  3. That's Elan on the honeymoon.
  4. Well, Lake Tuggers is one of the only sources where he can find women that aren't taller than him!! :D Back on topic; I'm heading home on the Barton Highway - about to leave the ACT (Hall area) - and I have to pull over to the side of the road for a moment. Upon doing so, I see in my mirror, and am overtaken by, a smooth, low, and white sportivo... None other than Mick 0082!!! B) The chick magnet. I hate to love that guy (hate to love...yeah...yeah). Females flock to him like a chip amongst a flock of seagulls.
  5. Grats mate. I'm going to cry. Nelson is the best man.
  6. In regards to camber, never do the following: - Work on coilovers when you're crook from an allergic reaction and tired from work. I has uber positive camber on the drivers side now. Don't ever employ Nelson to help you either. He sucks.
  7. I remember now. The wheels were 20's believe it or not, I'm sure. Ew.
  8. I r saw Tayles in Tuggers today. Most likely to go hit on Lake Tuggeranong chicks again.
  9. ive seen that one before one of the guys here cant remember his name now lol! but he has it done it looks good David aka waiwong38 is his name! he shaved his bootlid and doors? last i remember he had the gold lexus badge
  10. Happy Birthday to S T A R 3 3 Remember that you're uber Karl. Real men wear white loafers to work! Note to self to buy white loafers...
  11. If I had spare money and time I'd actually shave the bootlid. I'd do the doors as well, why the hell not. Straightedgetivo.
  12. You're only going to have issues there if you have coilovers, and you've wound them down to ghetto low (being, it's 70 - 90mm from the ground. Illegal height). 16's, 17's, 18's will all go on fine with a 50mm drop, provided you have the correct sized tyres. 205/50 for 16's 215/40 or 205/45 for 17's 215/35 or 225/35 for 18's I'd be lowering it first still. The stock ride height Toyota had on the Sportivo's was embarrassing to say the least. Who knows what they were thinking.
  13. I'll never look at a Hilux the same way ever again. I'll put it that way. I feel nauseas now when I think of one.
  14. I'd make a sequel ad with the Beaver getting waxed at a beauty spa.
  15. Fixed the link. Ffs pootube ****s me at time with the copywriting on there.
  16. Christopher Lee somewhat sluices the cheese from the vid though. Cheesy, but a mini epic imo. EDIT: I just came to the band footage... oh no lol.
  17. Alas, I am single, and schizophrenic. That combined with caffeine and an overactive imagination produces something rather, interesting. I do have too much time. I do. Of course I can teach you. EDIT: Nelson, I told you, you have to tread carefully.
  18. One does not simply throw horns up in Utopia.
  19. I actually do love you for making me curious and youtubing them. I'm listening to Girl and The Sea atm. I'm liking it.
  20. You using Reason simo? Great quality and composition. Good stuff.
  21. House ftw! As if you'd listen to 'Prance' music :P j/k, I'll have a listen when I'm at home man ;) I've never actually taken drugs. You give me an idea though...
  22. Rob had chats with girl on weekend. Girl is 18. Good to see I can meet people my age.
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