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Everything posted by Dead

  1. At least we now know it doesn't look like a retarded hamster once it has a kit on it.
  2. The mx5's are renowned for their handling ability, I agree. I've seen a fair few undergo turbocharging. Perhaps that's worth investigating as well. Uber
  3. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load! Old school Commodores are awesome.
  4. Agreed. They've been trying to swing me off Transact for the last 3 years. They stopped calling when I masqueraded as a communications business the last time I was on the phone to them. I tried to sell network solutions to the girl over the phone and she hung up on me. Telstra really have been performing poorly though. They lost a business tender with our national department a few years ago to Optus. They really can't provide decent service, no matter what the market is.
  5. Dead

    New SR Lux

    I marvel at the method and angle of your introduction into a site that is purely run by..."ricers". I shall watch with great interest. Enjoy your stay. /bow
  6. Bates is renowned for using the GT4 setup on top of a corolla chassis, I was just hinting at that.
  7. Hi Jase I work in Sydney at a law firm. We have a case at the moment quite similar but our client actually has a witness. It will be very hard for you to prove that she was in the wrong without any evidence i.e witnesses, pictures or video footage. I would say you should really investigate with the centre and see if they can pull up the footage and hope for the best the cameras cover the section the incident occured in first, be quick tho coz they only hold footage for a small period of time. If you have no luck with that and you want to take it further you should seek legal advice if you cant afford it you can always go for legal aid. I will say it is going to be VERY hard for you without evidence as its one persons word against the other. In any event the insurance wont cover you and thats probably the best option in this case when you weigh up the excess cost and the increase of fees over the year. The insurance company is within thier rights to refuse your claim as you have no way of proving that the damage was caused the way you say it did and cannot prove it was not done on your own accord, insurance is a tricky business and in most cases seems like a waste of money as u pay so much for it but in these cases are not covered. To reduce costs in repair maybe you could try pick & payless or something like that. in the event you cant get anything out of her. You should in any event get three quotes to repair your car then write her a letter stating you have sought legal advice and are advised that she is liable, enclose copies of the quotes and ask for payment within 14 days of the date of the letter or you will be initiating court proceedings. See how you go with that in some cases people freak out at the additonal costs of legal representation and soforth. but do it quick or you wont have a leg to stand on. Hope ive been of some help. let me know how you go. MzZ Sportivo. 9 posts and you've already put in far more input towards this site than Nelson ever did with his thousands. I salute and commend you.
  8. I smell a repost. That is rather horrific though don't you agree?
  9. Bah Rob, i've told you many times, Neal Bates Automotive wont help you with road car engine transplants. You ruined it. You idiot. I wanted him to call them lol! it all sounds like something that is allowable but for the cash youll be throwing at it for the conversion you could probably get a similar result working with whats already there im sure after screwing about getting it in engineered and everything else youd have to upgrade for it all to be legal bill would still most likely stomp it into the ground Hehe. Mick told me in the past that if you call them up and even hint about doing a 3SGTE 4x4 conversion to a newer corolla, they just say "NAO!" and hang up.
  10. Bah Rob, i've told you many times, Neal Bates Automotive wont help you with road car engine transplants. You ruined it. You idiot. I wanted him to call them
  11. I'm the opposite. I don't know how people can complain about those spring rates. They're fine in my opinion. If you get to stupidly pitted roads with pot holes galore, then I guess you have a case. That's just my opinion though.
  12. We'll be having a farewell for simo dude. Something will be up soon. Good to hear from you.
  13. Dead


    Brad should be a moderator.
  15. Dead


    ive had odd moments where i ended up talking to these two blokes who came to my front door and couldnt get rid of em! ended up late for work! took me 30 minutes before they would go away coz theres really no polite or unoffensive way of telling them no?! But on the same token, there is the idea that part of being a member of a church is "spreading the word", which is pretty much what theyre doing! But preaching to strangers door to door.. geez... that tactic must work somehow, since they are still doing it? Its a bit much. What gets me annoyed is when other Christian types tell people directly/indirectly that those who dont follow WILL burn in hell. I know a couple of people like that, like on some level they are ALWAYS making judgements about you/people around you, and im standing right in front of them?! kinda makes me uncomfortable to have conversations with them. We had Mormons come to our front door one day. The guy stuck his foot in the door when dad went to close it. He warned him. He kept his foot there. Dad slammed the door on his foot and broke it (apparently). Noob.
  16. Dead


    I think that's why I love Buddhism so much. So laid back, and the philosophies associated with it just make sense.
  17. Dead


    Article I personally renounced my catholicism (much to the displeasure of my parents), but really, I don't believe in people with totalitarian traits and those that deal in absolutes. It leads to corruption, fanaticism and downright ignorance. That's just what I believe though. Not forcing it upon anyone. I respect beliefs. I do not, however, respect the fact that an innocent had their life taken from them. Rather, I'm **** disgusted. Innocents deserve a chance to live their life.
  18. Dead

    April Fools

    Broken link is broken :(
  19. By telling work we needed a or two day off. You could always work overtime and take some leave in lieu or join an RDO scheme and not be down any pay ;) I work in availability, so I have to plan my time away well. I'd be too shagged anyway after 2 days of long distance driving coupled with cruising in between. I'm an old man now. I suck. Harden up mate. I went to Sydney last year sick as a dog and it was wet, cold and windy all weekend(for us Qld boys blessed with great weather) and still had a good time. Get someone to come with you and share the driving. That's what I did cause I was almost too sick to drive. Big thanks to Azza for the drive LOL yet again. Ok sure, I'll come up and get fired for not meeting my work detail during the probation period I'm on I hope you guys have fun again though. Be sure to take lots of pics.
  20. Soul Power - Smashing Pumpkins win
  21. I don't understand though. There's already a thread about tattoos? 1+1 = 3 Think about a rubber duck...
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