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Everything posted by Dead

  1. Now now, at least we actually keep it within the forum, and we don't TROLL onto 'other' car forums like the recent justcommodores.com.au spy we had. I can still smell him. We'll never be as bad as them anyway, because you see, they drive Commodores.
  2. Dead

    Kevin Rudd

    Well, I like Kevin Rudd because he resembles a South Park character like I stated to Tony before.
  3. Dead

    Kevin Rudd

    Nelson made this double post. Not me. He's a noob. Sorry Tony. Not a good start to the thread. Nelson betrayed you.
  4. Dead

    Kevin Rudd

    I can't get locked into political debate anymore. It makes me sad. Tony will provide enough lol's in here. I'll just keep praying to the Furby ***.
  5. Dead

    Kevin Rudd

    Just a quick FYI here people: Tony is basically what Darth Vader is to the Emperor, but the Emperor is Nelson. Continue. ---- I'll have to research more on Mr Fudd. So far he's spoken Cantonese and Mandarin which I think is epic (slight sarcasm there).
  6. It's an internet meme. The rick roll is epic. It dates back to 2007, where people would post links to music videos, stating that they were 'Snoop Dogg' or 'Britney' or something. The people would then click on it and be presented with the awesomeness of Rick Astley's 'Never gonna give you up' (a hit single from '87). The term is called 'being rick-rolled'. Click here to find out what it's like to be rick rolled: Gigiddy
  7. Dead


    Johnny loves clicking on unknown links. So gullible that guy... but that's just his thing lol. Question should be... who doesn't have MSN? :) Ahhh I seeeeee lol.
  8. Theeee Synchroooo Boaaaatttt Synchrooooo's, exciting and newwww Come on innnnnn. We're expecting youuuuuuuu. Synchrooooo's, the gearboxes sweetest reward. Let it shiiifftt, it shifts back to youuuuuuu. Thankyou thankyou! /bow mwah, mwah
  9. "The keyboard in his hand flailed erratically as he struggled with the complexities of his ability selection. Room gilm, screen bright. A violent eruption of death metal music proceeded to cascade like a blood waterfall into his pubescent mind. Tap, tap, click click, tap, tap. The door is open. He can hear faint crys, not too dissimilar to that of an animal craving understanding and support of its young. It gets closer. Click click, tap tap, click click. He shrugs it from his mind. Suddendly, the comfort of his monitor and qwerty keybord begin to fade from him, as he is dragged from the room like a lamb prior to slaughter." - The Parable of the WoW Player
  10. Token 'defibrillator' price. Walk in, and then suffer a massive jolt in your chest at the price.
  11. I'm confused as well :\ Holy **** it's William Shatner!
  12. We need to find this car again. I miss it. Hell, I miss Richo :(
  13. Spotted a red pre-facelift Sportivo with red plates turning into Cooleman Court yesterday morning, with what appeared to be a rather cute girl behind the wheel. She gave Nelson and his chariot a double take
  14. I wish him luck in his quest to beat the internet. I hear end boss is hard. Just a quick fact here too: It's apparent that the sportivo cat is in fact a hi-flow cat. As Jimmy stated, it would make very little difference when taking it off. Therefore, removing the cat on a sportivo results in you failing. Once again, no cat + sportivo = fail* *This should be viewed as the climatic end to this thread by the way. I believe it's rather, finalised. (Oh hi BNS-18L! I see you viewing the topic. *poke* Oh yeah, you can't reply... *poke* Teehee!)
  15. If I could attain his car's mp3 / cd collection, then I'd try and insert a surprise by rickrolling him, preferably at the time when he'd be cruising around somewhere on cool mode. eg: *Untz untz untz untz untz* "Yeah, this is the shiz...yeahhhhhh." *Untz untz un...crackle...'We're no strangers to looooooveeeee...you know the rules...and sooooo do I!!!!!!* "AHH WTF ULEH!?"
  16. Now now, I don't think JDM looking wheels are a rice part. That looks to be a veilside kit as well.
  17. TANK CAT!!! If we can get enough people, I will sponsor you to get this job done... Please sign up people, and make a small paper donation to get Tank Cat airbrushed onto Rob's bonnet. Ladies and Gentleman, meet Tony. He is the only match for Nelson.
  18. I just rickrolled my friend on msn: Pat says: did the migrain go after a while? Super Zero Nelson says: Yeah man. I found out what caused it. Super Zero Nelson says: www.rickrolling.com Super Zero Nelson says: lol Pat says: damnit! Pat says: wtf is this? Super Zero Nelson says: hahaha Pat says: arghhhhhh
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