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Everything posted by Dead

  1. My dads VX Calais can do that too. Stupid land boat. It's good in a straight line though, LS1's are uber for that.
  2. Dead

    Mazda3 MPS

    BOO GTFO...FLAME FLAME FLAME! Just kidding. They are uber. You'll find we aren't internet rambo's on here like other car forums. Stupid trolls. Pete (Corzza) has done some work to his.
  3. lols..great find??... haha Hence the 'gigiddy' from yours truly. I've sent Dongsoo out on patrol for the car. He'll find him with his epic drifting.
  4. It's uber expensive. You'd be better off selling yours and buying a facelift dude lol.
  5. Agreed. Once again, your uberness exceeds itself BeeRad.
  6. Dead


    Gigantic 'Epic Fail' on my half if he is lol.
  7. Oh... dammit. *Turns off 'Days of our Lives' theme*
  8. A blue facelift Corolla. Very common unfortunately. I'm at work atm, so I can't see some of the images (bar a couple...gigiddy gigiddy gig-e-deeeeee), but I'm sure some of the other guys here would agree on it being a blue facelift, given the Runx reference. I hope you find whoever did it.
  9. Oh dear lord, this looks entertaining. *pulls up chair* Do elaborate more. What the heck is going on here? The car is uber, but you already know this of course.
  10. Dead


    We haven't seen Sads or Snowflake for a while to be honest. I don't think the new owner came back on here.
  11. Utter uberness Stay on these roads - A-ha
  12. I'm stunned at your signature :\
  13. Leave is always attainable for me Mishark, however everyone else usually always wants leave at the same time. I don't have excuses, moreso, I have actual facts. Plus I have a thing for driving such long distances with my car. I made a promise to come to the next meet, but I was under the impression it was going to be in Sydney. If it's in Adelaide then I'd prefer to sit out unfortunately.
  14. Man this thread is still here. I'm destined to be a bachelor all my life by the looks. A modern day u-boat Captain with the qualities of Quagmire. Gigiddy gigiddy gigiddy...dive dive! Uberschnell!
  15. I'm 'meh' in terms of the Matrix. I think it's ugly as sin. 120kw only though? I thought those had a 2zzge over on the states.
  16. Considering having a final final final sendoff for Simo this weekend again. To make it final that it's final. Just seeing who's interested.
  17. Haha. To be honest, if she didn't get all pissy and move forward I would have been immensely dissapointed lol
  18. Rub constantly against a/c piping due to the bends of some models for one. Don't drive it through a pond either lol.
  19. Car manufacturers do what they do in terms of a package because something like a big scary exhaust would scare off part of the market. Things are always there to be improved sometimes, mainly due to the manufacturers set standards of customer delivery.
  20. Thats a really good post, and you will find that most people on the forum agree with u. Hence the "this place has gone to the hole" topic that most people ignored. I know the mods (myself included) may seem that we are very trigger happy sometimes but u need to see our point of view as well. If we do something we get flamed, if we don't we do anyway. Some people also need to remember that this is a car forum, and as such at least 90% of topics should generally be about cars. The problem is that toyota's aren't really the popular choice when it comes to big mods and therefore people only want to do the same little things. If every new member posted the same topic this place would be overrun with topics that would never get answers because the people who have the knowledge can't be bothered continually repeating the same things. I don't know what we are expected to do? We can either try and keeps things clean, or we can let in go wild. If it goes wild, someone else can have my mod role and i will take my knowledge to another forum. Anyone interested in my role? Send me a pm. PM sent.
  21. Welding the holes up, shaving them smooth, maybe a teeny bit of bog to get it ultra smooth and there you go. Requires having the whole boot resprayed though. It's expensive, which is why I think people don't do it.
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