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Everything posted by Dead

  1. Simo is epic. We'll miss you. Anzac pride.
  2. Dead

    Auto Salon 08

    EpicDylan. He was being nice. He wants to see your hotness (I still have 'that' pic on my pc btw, gigiddy).
  3. I believe in Karma. May their public region become infested with demonic lice, and their arms become to short to scratch.
  4. Oh my *** Revenge of the Sith is on... **** EPIC...
  5. Dead

    Auto Salon 08

    Post is epic... /clap
  6. Dead

    Auto Salon 08

    Hehe. Shoebox cars. We picked one up and wedged it between two trees back at boarding school (the girl had it coming to her). I've never been to an Autosalon. I guess I've never really seen the point. I like watching cars do what cars do. If they're just sitting there I get frustrated, especially if they're 'fully' cars (ie: an S2000 that has been crucified with gigantic wok's). I view that as car cruelty lol. Plus, I find the promo girls and models annoying lol. I wouldn't snob you though no, not a shot at you by any means. I'd take photos with you and stuff, sure :D Gigiddy
  7. Should have put it in members rides doll :P So what exactly are you doing to it? Im painting it! but no certain what colour, the boy sez skyline blue or silver and i say maybe a nice metallic black. Whats your thoughts Ah I see. White with a subtle pearl through it, or just applying a crapload of clear coats over the top of a nice white has been my favorite of late. I've seen a guy around the corner re-spray his EG Civic to a ferrari red color, and then had around 8 coats of clear on top. It made it look unreal. Really creamy and vibrant. If I was ever going to respray my car, that's what I'd be doing. It's a lot to do for a subtle, yet posh result. I'm just a fan of keeping it simple. 'Going over the top wins nothing but laughs.' - Anon
  8. Unless he heat shields it of course. Carlo said he's been running it fine? Hmmm.
  9. Should have put it in members rides doll :P So what exactly are you doing to it?
  10. You have to reset your ecu yes. If you use the search button you'll usually get some hits on info. Do this, and you will dodge the inevitable bane of the moderators. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...t=0&start=0 Voila.
  11. Dead

    ABFLUG Supra

    They made it look like an FTO. Personally FTO's don't look too bad imo when they're tarted up a bit, but this is... nah.
  12. Xoom's car has evolved into Sportivo Plus. I was personally shocked and over-impressed at what the 2zz-ge puts out when forced properly.
  13. There is validness in Tony's post. Cigarettes are cunning. Look at what they do to people already. I wouldn't put it past them to have some form of otherworldly intelligence that 'does' enable them to pry open, and squeeze through the elbow join between the CAI pipe and filter. I've said too much, I hear them plotting.
  14. I think they're a tad expensive though...
  15. What I don't understand is how Bill can go through that many. There's a guy on a Supra forum in the states that claims he's had his for 5 years and only replaced them once (these are D2's)
  16. But you won't have the uberness of a belly scraper :(
  17. Greased them yesterday. Knocking gone. Grease ftw.
  18. Crap I only just saw this. Maybe the next one I will man :( Thanks for looking out though, appreciate it.
  19. In bushfire season that's pretty heinous Man your hair could even start a fire Gigiddy...shouldn't you be studying hmmm?
  20. Cheers guys. We'll see how I go. The mounts should be fine if they're greased. Angelo said something about reducing the travel slightly, but we'll see what's said on Monday.
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