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Everything posted by Dead

  1. This is awesome. *Folds out chair, grabs shot glass and vodka* Moar moar.
  2. I'm only 5'10 with shoes on though? EDIT: Ohhhhhhhh. Yeah that's true, sorry. Ollleeeeeeeee.
  3. Well I look at it this way, we won't have to worry about crap like this when Aliens take over Earth.
  4. Welcome! A Russian man who strives to stay JDM. Now 'that' is dedication (I imagine importing the parts wouldn't be a cheap venture). Lovely country by the way. You should be proud of where you come from.
  5. Dead

    Rav4 V6

    Man I'm jealous. I wish I had an uber whine in my transmission. Make it sound like a track car.
  6. Dead

    Auto Salon 08

    If lived over there, I'd go into this Autosalon (with Simo in tow no doubt) to say hello to you and then leave. If any of the other WA guys were going to be in there, then I'd go in to hang with them. I'd rather hang with club members than get stared out by the fullys. It's like a fricken hall of mirrors with them, what with the amount of chrome they have surrounding them, they'd just see you coming from every angle
  7. Dead

    Auto Salon 08

    Seriously. 'pic or ban' in this case was definitely a compliment. Now, if someone said to you 'TOGTFO', then that would be a little rude. Ahhhh. TOGTFO. Good old TOGTFO.
  8. Dead

    Auto Salon 08

    That is Autosalon? lol
  9. Can 'you' spot the point of opportunity in that clip?
  10. Custom up something guys! :D It's not for everyone though I agree, and it can be an expensive hobby. Xoom worked very hard on his car. It's a long, arduous journey that can be rewarding if it's what you're really into. We need to clone you methinks. Ring me btw! Aren't you game? :P depends on whom im gonna speak to when i do ...... nelson, KptzS Heinz Fredrikkson or Rob ..... how about u answer ur phone :P I fail...sorry.
  11. We need to clone you methinks. Ring me btw! Aren't you game? :P
  12. Large wheels + lowering will usually always = scrubbing, unless the guards are already pumped from the factory. The fully sik uleh's have methods on fitting those large, oversized wok rims on their fully fully fully fully omg omg cars. It involves rolling the hell out of the guard, but if it's the liner that's the main issue, you'd need to box your guards a little as well (which involves plastic welding, an interesting niche trade). You can always raise the height, but I know how it feels to have your ride low. It does look the tits. Also you could always put 19's on there, they'd still look somewhat big and you could maybe lower it even more then. They'd be your options though, speaking realistically.
  14. Dead

    ABFLUG Supra

    Haha - tarted up and trying to outdo Veilside are two different things. Aiming for Veilside is like aiming for that bit past the space of air 2 feet away from the end of the plank. That space was overboard already, so where is the further extremity taking you? Agreed. They person around the corner from me in Rivett owns a silver fto with what appears to be nice looking jdm kit w. black jdm looking wheels. Rather low too. I like the way it looks. It looks like they take very good care of it too. I admire that.
  15. Yes! I can feeeeeeel your anger. It gives you focusssss! I like it when you get angry dude. Stark contrast from the placid, baby faced guy I saw at Kiama that time.
  16. Dead

    TOCAU changing

    That's because you aren't an epic whore like some of us here. I'd say that's a 'good' quality to have :)
  17. Yes the rear rock is the way go, I agree.????????? Haha, someones using babel fish. Rock in German (pronounced 'ruuke' [i have no accented o's to use]) apparently means 'skirt' according to my German dictionary. Ja! If I'm wrong, then I'm throwing this thing out the window. hm, i'm german, but it took me a while until i understood, what you're talking about. Actually, skirt is called "schürze" the german word for apron and rock is pronounced "rock" like rockmusic Hell that's all I needed to hear. *Burns German dictionary in drawer* Stupid thing...
  18. That's my car ja. Lucifer Red or Super Red II. I'm unsure to be honest, but they're both awesome.
  19. Dead

    Auto Salon 08

    I gracefully accept.
  20. What, like your sportivo when you owned it? :P Cheers for the help Bren. Was a manufacturing defect though. Passenger pillowball is fine. Drivers side seizes. Meh.
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