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Everything posted by Dead

  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... Ok now I'm good. I agree with Silva on this one.
  2. has anyone one taken any pic's while the console is apart etc? just want to see what the inside of console looks like.. so i can prepare for what is ahead, lolz.. thanks in advance There are scattered accounts of it being performed throughout the website. I actually found it hard to find them all.
  3. He's been Rickrolled, that I know. Meatspin though... hmm.
  4. I have a sinking suspicion that tocau could have been hacked again.
  5. Dead

    Kevin Rudd

    There would be chaos with the economy as everyone will be too busy on the streets praying and promoting peace hahaha We'd go back into the dark ages. That's so...cool. I can finally meet Blackadder.
  6. My Cafe is always an option. I like that place. It's at Manuka though, so be sure your collars are popped and you're wearing loafers like Jimmy and myself.
  7. Utter fail. Grotty, grotty, grotty, grotty. Fail. Amir remind me to slap you when I meet you for scarring me with this. (The chick fails, not you btw)
  8. i wish, but unfortunately no. My car is a red AE82 (doing a 20v Silvertop conversion (finding parts for it all as we speak) then after while, smack a turbo on there. Ah I see. You're welcome to turn up dude.
  9. As solid as my nipples are for you. Call the man.
  10. The car reminds me of Paris Hiltons face. In saying that, this car is ****ed and will never see the road again. RIP. That'll do lift, that'll do.
  11. Dead

    Kevin Rudd

    Smart Rudd is Smart. I'm waiting for the Dalai Lama to step down so he can come here and be our PM. That'd be epic.
  12. One does not simply 'Ghetto Camry' unfortunatley :( The end result, albeit expensive, is rather bonertastic. Amir, there was a guy here in Canberra that had a low, uber kitted gold Vienta (same shape as yours). I'm not too sure where the car is now, but it was unreal. Had a JDM turbo setup on the quad cam. Methinks it was bagged.
  13. I'm thinking Supra or GTR. Either way, epic.
  14. Only in Tocau, do rude noobs have their sales hijacked, and turned into beer threads. Win. Greatest beer I've had: Hoegarden Beer I like at the moment: Hahn Super Dry (It's low carb, it's dry AND it has no preservatives...what an epic beer).
  15. Probably going to have to stick by Saturday by the looks of things. Amir you're welcome to catch up with us again soon. Sorry :(
  16. What an a55hole... :D Nah she was cool :P
  17. Sounds fine to me :D Must be the epic'ness of the motor that doesn't give it the 'yak' sound. Sure beats a rice cannon :\ (when I say rice, I mean rice rice, "Supercheap" cannon)
  18. I've heard the Buddyclub type II? (I'll have to verify the name) is a rather good knob. I'll have to compare my knob to it though to see how much better it would be, given that I'm rather attached to my knob, and used to shifting up and down with it.
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