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vin corolla

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Everything posted by vin corolla

  1. we need more to come along ??? Bill's .. ??? dennis ?? mario ?? garry ?? Daniel ?? Andrew ?? Ken ?? SEDANS REPRESENT !!! Obviously im not wanted... So disappointing.....No one count me in.... :(
  2. Girl (i didnt get it either... pete you gotta stop being weird!) I didn't get it Either..haha :)
  3. Sorry guys, i am just a bit confuse.....about the 100mm part, is it refer to the Ground Clearance? If so, how do you measure? Say my asscent does not have any body kit, so it should be ok for me to get Coilover, isn't it?
  4. I love all Chocolate! haha :) Finally there's something the same about guys and girls :)
  5. If they can void the insurance & claims......and NRMA is advertising they pay 99% of claim?....so the 1% are the modified car? :( i better change too.....
  6. Option 1: Get a chocolate bar from the vending machine, eat it with the plain milk. :) Option 2: Put some Milo into the milk and stir :) Option 3: Go to Mars and get some Mars BAR and have it with milk. :) Option 4: Wait until you get home later :) option 5: hi jack a dairy farmers truck :) With a Corolla?...hehe....If the truck doesn't stop, the corolla would become a Mars bar...... :P
  7. So what actually do you want to do? Do you want to remove touch up paint etc.? If it's not a big spot, try polish it off bit by bit...it takes long, but it shouldn't damage your clear coat, and just removing anything above the it.
  8. Sorry to hear that mate..... Doesn't those electric gate have sensors? what happen if a child is crossing while it's closing? I am no expert, but i think Black is one of the easiest colour to match.....and it's not as easy to spot the differents. Smash repair can mix the colour according to the Toyota colour code, the Paint supplier have all the details of the Factory default paint. But a good smash repairer doesn't stop there, they'll make sure the colour match due to the colour change of the car (eg. Car being park under Sun for a long period of time, and the colour fade a bit etc etc...).
  9. Thanks guys :) I think i might have to talk to NRMA before I change my coilover in the near future....if they refuse it, then it's too bad for them, they're going to loose another 10 years+ customer.... So which one is better? GIO, AAMI or Just Car?
  10. vin corolla

    Bus Rage!!

    What can I say......Working in HK is not easy...lot of pressure...and people do get crazy.....rather SAD actually......
  11. Oh ic...thanks..... But what if the mod is less than 30mm? but i guess any Coilover change would be more than 30mm, right? how about those adjustable one? I've been with NRMA for 10 years...and my friend had problem with AAMI, he got his car fix twice, 1st time the colour doesn't match....2nd time, he came back with Extra Screws.....apparently AAMI only use those Cheap repairer, and you don't have any choice of repairer "Smash Repair"..... How about Suncrop? I heard that's quite cheap compare to others?
  12. Option 1: Get a chocolate bar from the vending machine, eat it with the plain milk. :) Option 2: Put some Milo into the milk and stir :) Option 3: Go to Mars and get some Mars BAR and have it with milk. :) Option 4: Wait until you get home later :)
  13. So if i'm going to change Coilover, i need to notify NRMA, and if not, they can refuse my claim if there was an accident? And If i do notify them, they may refuse my insurance anyway?
  14. Don't worry, there's no WATER on your planet anyway...We call it H2O here on Planet Earth...hehe :)
  15. hehehehee.................yeah lots of girls here................weekdays..............hehhee only the boys go and wash their cars constantly..........:) I guess that's the different between Guys and Girls :) "MEN are from MARS and WOMEN are from VENUS?" Because there's no water restriction on Mars, and men can wash their cars all day long? hehe :)
  16. hmmmmm...i thought this is the place i could find girl to talk to........but i'm wrong :( I'm the only one here on this planet :( Where's everyone else? all gone washing & waxing their cars? :)
  17. Very shiny indeed :) I thought it's raining this weekend? I polish my car b4 the meet, how come no one says mine's shiny? :(
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