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Everything posted by MrRob

  1. You're definitely seeing things John I was home all night haha
  2. There should be a link to the location on the 1st post to this thread.
  3. We can expect 15+ since its on a Saturday night and not mid week where people may still be working.
  4. Drove like this for about 40kms. Still had 9 litres left when I filled up.
  5. None of us speed as far as I know. We don't wanna attract attention from the unwanted :)
  6. WOOOO spotted twice in a few hours YEEW my eyes must have been full focused on the road coz I didn't see you. Lol the WRX, thought I recognized your car from somewhere. Was so tempted to chase after you but thought better of it, never know who's around.
  7. No need, I HAVE A DEVICE!, testing will commence on Saturday :) may post a sample. I'm liking this even more
  8. I was thinking meet up then some tunnel rolling shots on the way to Harry's for hotdogs/pies and we could do another steak night next month or in a couple of weeks.. Hmm tunnel shots aye? Gonna need some passengers but liking this idea. I guess its a good idea to have a proper month to organize a dinner. Sweet, be good to see your car again.
  9. New? You've been a member for over 3 years hahaha.
  10. Accident can someone move this to where it belongs please. Sorry. :(
  11. Keep the red Will but if your sister keeps driving it the red will be gone in no time.
  12. Lol like every other state anything under 100mm is gonna get you into trouble. Lucky for me I can raise and lower my car on the move.
  13. More pics from a recent meet.
  14. A few pics from last nights mini meet SYD.

  15. Thought you might like these.
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