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Everything posted by MrRob

  1. Lol thanks mate my head just got a little bigger haha. I'd still love a TRD though. The bags are a full kit for the Camry but both Camry and Aurion are the same chassis so its a direct replacement. This is the kit Air Force Suspension Mine is the Performance pack Cheers lad
  2. Sneaking into Olympic Parks NO GO ZONE last night.
  3. I don't like your attitude mate hahaha. Btw put your name down Wy.
  4. Yes Ben its at Wakefield
  5. Thanks huey, get them from ebay, they're pretty cheap. Sweet - got a link? :) Wonder who I can find to install them too. Edit: these the ones you got? http://www.ebay.com....#ht_3442wt_1270 their website sells them even cheaper??? http://store.ledmod....&products_id=69 so F'n tempting right now Yeah mate thats them
  6. Lol now you think of it. Would have been the best pics.
  7. Lol thanks jeffy, yeah looks like like its read to pounce on its prey. Thanks John Thanks huey, get them from ebay, they're pretty cheap.
  8. Here's mine. Zenetti Rogue Black but don't copy me hahaha
  9. Too slow or too low :lol:
  10. Less than 2 weeks. Should we start discussing who's bringing what?
  11. Thats twice you've seen me in the same place only this time I saw you see me hahaha. lol are you sure you saw me? we drove buy each other pretty quickly.. i dont drive a corolla anymore.. was driving a silver 07' camry. Oh ok I guess I didn't see you then. I saw another guy in a white Corolla full looking at me so thought that was you.
  12. Thats twice you've seen me in the same place only this time I saw you see me hahaha.
  13. Its amazing when we mention food everybody decides to go :lol:
  14. Rear lights look great, I might have to get me a set but looks like a hassle to put in unless of course you know what you're doing.
  15. You won't do it, you're scared.
  16. Old photo is old. Thats all
  17. Back to the list. 1) BG Pete (Iron Chef) 2) Riverandlakes 3) juvenile 4) ZR6XY + the twins 5) Seby123 6) Dazzle [Depending on date] 7) Ronny (Maybe) 8) LFT-00F Pending my car gets fixed 9) flipsta24 10)ohy34h 11)Offzide93 12)red05tivo 13)cruzer + cuz 14)Ben Yip (maybe) 15) mou55a 16)Plytme 17)ohy34h 18)riversandlakes 19)GTfour_turbo90 20) 21) 22) 23)
  18. No chance of falling off. I hope not
  19. Here's the pic of the light. Yeah its dirty and not the greatest quality pic but it will do for now.
  20. Went out to dinner with the family tonight and ordered a lobster. A few minutes later the waiter came back with a small bowl of what I thought were very thin noodles. So my dad asked us if we wanted any and I said what is it? My dad says brains and I'm like eww WTH from what? He said the lobster, so do you wanna try some? I was a bit hesitant but I tried some and it was the worst thing I've ever eaten. My dad said its a delicacy in some countries and that its good for the er "brain" So whats yours TOCAU members?
  21. Is that the price for supply and install? How was it wired, to the courtesy lights, when do they turn on? How long did it take to install? Can you take a picture of how they were secured onto the vehicle. Thanks. No unfortunately that was only the price of the lights. Yeah its wired to the courtesy lights so when I unlock the car or open the doors they come on. Took about 3 hours to install so a lot of the cost was labour. I'll try and get a photo of how its mounted. Hahaha thanks dutchie, like I said to Charlie get them on. They'll look so good on your Lexus. Install cost me around $160 since I'm a regular customer there.
  22. thanks i now know where im going. Im in canberra so i doubt there will be many going to the Syd cruise. This will be my first showing so im looking forward to meeting you all. holy **** you have a turbo zre? shotgun! Sure do :-) its a beauty!! Shot gun is taken but happy to take you for a run haha you might have a line of people wanting a ride The line may be getting bigger for joyrides but I'm gonna be 1st to ask to drive it
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