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Everything posted by MrRob

  1. You say Vick included? That means its not in Sydney? :(
  2. So John its mid December now. Where are these new wheels?
  3. Damn thats some serious scrubbing.
  4. So many confused people. Here's the 1st post which has obviously been updated a while ago. EOMM DATE: 17th Dec TIME: 7.30pm LOCATION: " "McDonalds Greenacre MEET MAP
  5. 1. M.C 2. Juvenile 3. Clifton 4. VF-X [Dpending on when] 5. WS Echo (Saturday nights are good for me) 6. OHY34H 7. Ronnyboy (Maybe) 8. Brendan (Most likely) 9. ZR6XY 10. RO11ER 11. offzide93 12. Synthetic05 13. cruzer 14. Seby123
  6. ^ When have we ever had an afternoon meet up?
  7. Another weird moment last night. Spotted RO11ER and offsidez93 near the Silverwater bridge around 7:30. Then saw Seby123, cruzer and synthetic05 near putt putt in Victoria rd around 8:15. Then around 11:30 saw all of them again at Livo KK's. I was in my dads Rav4 so you probably didn't see me. You guys having mini TOCAU meets without the rest of us?
  8. Admittedly I didn't test drive the Holden SV6 series 2 ones. From what everyone is saying, are you all talking about VE series one models? Yeah I'm talking about the series 1 but seeing the series 1 and 2 side by side I honestly see no difference apart from the front bumper and the wheels.
  9. MOFO of a boss. 8 yrs and 2 months and all of a sudden my services are not needed at work anymore. But no the useless c**t that started 3 months ago remains.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. VF-X


      Sorry to hear it Rob. But bright side, better now than after new year. How would u start a new year with getting sacked?

    3. 1stKill


      that sux Rob...ohhh well a new chapter in life is about to begin,good luck buddy :)

    4. MrRob


      Thanks guys but I had 3 weeks holidays coming up anyways so would have been better to finish off the year then say I won't be needed next year.

  10. + Me too on the SV6. My mate has 1 and its just so cheap on the inside and caused him nothing but hassel after hassel. Cheap plastics that scratch with a finger nail. The A pillers are so big you can't see the corners when turning. Pretty much don't buy it but its your choice.
  11. They're around 165kw atw stock so 70kw gain isn't bad at all.
  12. Nice purchase but please remove the drl's
  13. Pretty sure the next meet is for the end of January since December is way to busy for most people.
  14. Thanks for the offer but no thanks, my days of drag racing are over.
  15. Going through my video camera and found a really old video of my drag race I did a few years back. 15's aren't great but with a full tank of fuel, spare wheel, ugly 20" chromies and before exhaust mod I think its ok. Oh and video quality ain't great either.
  16. Not 100% sure on the finish time but we leave Silverwater at 10am. My guess is it will prob finish at 3pm.
  17. As far as I know the attendees from here are ZR6XY Seby123 Offzide93 cruzer Hiro RO11ER Probably a few more
  18. Does that mean there's still a meet on tonight? If so i'm gonna miss it for the 1st time.
  19. Why is it that the wet weather brings out the stupid in some drivers or maybe they're just stupid.

    1. dutchie101


      Mostly always stupid, it just shines thru when its wet...

    2. 1stKill


      and because normally their sh!tboxes dont wheelspin in the dry so when it's wet they gather in numbers....

    3. Pah
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