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Everything posted by MrRob

  1. Go lower than Wycliff. (I dare ya)
  2. Wait what group is this? Btw welcome to the club
  3. Looks good Luke unlucky about this morning too.
  4. Photos courtesy of Form & function.
  5. Thanks for coming out last night everyone. It was a much bigger attendance than expected even with the rain. Nice pics Seby, I'll put mine in the N.S.W members rides thread when I've gone through them.
  6. We'll try not to be too late. I'm gonna do a driveby (no gun involved) at Greenacre around 7:30 to see if anyone is there then we'll head straight to Ikea.
  7. You must wash it, my computer skills isn't good enough to make your car look clean haha
  8. Saw a red ZZE with ugly chromies with red inserts and looked like they were 20's
  9. I haven't checked but not even sure if they have boom gates at Ikea so best is prob go straight there and if there is then we'll go straight to Port Botany boat ramp. Also the weather today looks a bit dodgy but according to the weather forecast is that it will remain cloudy without rain after 6pm so its good news sorta.
  10. Old pics so car no longer has the red walls.
  11. Inspired by GDUBBS thread I thought I'd start a rides thread for N.S.W too so members lets see your cars. Its not a build thread so please only pics of your car but as you upgrade your car then yes please post even if you already have a personal rides thread. I'm hoping this catches on to other states too so if any moderator wants to take over the 1st post then feel free.
  12. If anyone is keen tonight some of us are going for a cruise through the national park and heading to the Gong via Seacliff Bridge. Meeting at Livo KK's at 7:30 and leaving at 8pm.
  13. Agreed ^ I like this idea of a rides thread for each state too. Thoughts?
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