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Everything posted by MrRob

  1. I scraped really bad last time I went there with coilovers . Even with bags I think i'll struggle but if we have to take the ferry then i'll just deal with it :)
  2. My car is gonna be so out of place at Supernats this weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cruzer


      And it will be the only one to drive in there :P ahaha

    3. dutchie101


      ALl the best with the weekend too, do us proud!!

    4. MrRob


      Thank you gentleman, I'm doing it for all us Toyota guys.

  3. Can we NOT go on the ferry. Some people just can't make it on or off it.
  4. Most likely Saturday 29th October. Would you like to clarify John?
  5. It is since its raining
  6. John looks like he's about to kill someone :lol:
  7. Ok you win Wy, your pics turned out fuggin sick and that 1st shot with me driving your car definitely makes it look better Also the original plan of rolling shots through the tunnel kinda didn't work out due to an unrelated accident but I managed to get a couple of last minute shots of John on the way home. These pics are also in John's ride thread.
  8. Wait till you see mine Pete! Now now Wy its not a competition :)
  9. No updates just more pics. Upgrade comes in 8 days.
  10. Pics are up from last nights Sydney meet and mini cruise.

    1. 69.NIX


      great stuff, already had a lookie

    2. MrRob


      Thanks Pete unfortunate you couldn't make it last night.

  11. Sooooo many photos to go through so here's a start
  12. Thanks for letting me drive your car Wy even if I didn't go over 25kph.
  13. Wow what a dramatic and amazing night. 18 cars on a soaking wet night and we had a few guys missing too so would easily been 20+. Great to put faces to names too and nice meeting you guys. Nice mini cruise to Harry's and Port Botany boat ramp. I'm sure BG Pete and Juvenile have something planned for next months meet, possibly a cruise and bbq somewhere. Photos will be up in the morning and all I can say is some shots are just WOWWW.
  14. Did he give you his number Stivo? Yes I did sir
  15. For the westerners we are meeting at M4 servo EAST bound at 7:30. We might wait max 15 mins for every1 to turn up then we are heading to the location so if you ain't there before 7:45 you'll have to find your way there.
  16. How late is very late? We should still be there till 9pm when we'll start our tunnel run.
  17. Touchwood it doesn't lol if the rain ruins my tunnel run i will cry ahahahah Doesn't rain in tunnels though :P Does rain whilst we are waiting for people at greenacre :P We can always wait inside Maccas.
  18. There will be a couple guys meeting at the M4 servo around 8pm
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