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Everything posted by MrRob

  1. Aaaaand a video update. sh|t quality though.
  2. Old setup was ****. Too much to explain so if you feel like it, all the info can be found at AccuAir Suspension. Exactly right Luke, 3 height settings. 1 being cruising height, so I can roll in to a meet at the lowest driveable height 2 is normal driving height 3 is full lift to clear them huge Westfield speed humps and the double arrows is pancake mode Control now lets me lower the bags Front / Rear Side / Side Individual corners All 4 at once Old system only let me go front / rear. Aaaaand the cost. A nice $3000 including install. Btw Luke if you want my old control box to see what you can do with feel free.
  3. Car is almost ready for pick up.
  4. Its not gonna look all that different. That big box will be replaced by this. So another big box ;) You'd be surprised how small it is.
  5. Its not gonna look all that different. That big box will be replaced by this.
  6. So car finally goes in to have the AccuAir system installed tomorrow. Last shot of this set up.
  7. So yeah this is my driveway and my garage entry. Stupid reflection.
  8. Na thats a rip off. Got mine for $1200 with tyres.
  9. Leaving now, should be there around 8, maybe a little after. People better be there too.
  10. I should be there on Saturday night. You might see the happy as usual Rob or sad Rob depending on the AFL grand final result. GO SWANNIES
  11. No probs Luke but won't be in the near future, as always it comes down to $$$
  12. Wow Luke thats awesome. I know if or when I gutter rash my wheels I know who to see.
  13. I'm just gonna rock up. I like being a pain sometimes... My car will look a bit uglier than last year in the body department so hopefully I can defend my title.
  14. Info for anyone interested in Toyota Fest http://www.toymods.org.au/forums/showthread.php?t=76376&p=1479742&viewfull=1#post1479742
  15. Yeah these keepers. I need a new front bumper though. This one is starting to fall apart from bottoming out and nearly popped the whole thing off when I drove into a deep hole which I didn't see.
  16. Thanks Noodlez for the pic.
  17. Yeah these cops were decent guys. Could have been done for so much more but guess they had a good night. They followed me in from the BP across the road coz its a place we usually hang out to drift our RC Cars. Anyways went to Wakefield today for the Skyline Nationals and got a couple new milestones.
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