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Everything posted by kcorro

  1. i used to have a photo of one installed on a sedan and it looked very good and i think better looking that a typical canon. though the sedan had the rear skirt so you do not see the muffler barrel unless you are under the car. the photo i had was taken under the car when it was on a hoist.
  2. want to have it cleaned up i think i will show toyota and see what they say as everything else looks new but that part.
  3. the rear sway bar can be done at anytime but you may like to try it first because the bolts securing it usually very tight. you should install the springs before the front tower bar since that will save you from having to take it off.
  4. kmac springs i want to check before they reset them as they want to find out the spring rate
  5. black or white should be for the rubber edge which is supplied. dark cars go with black and white/silver go with white.
  6. only from south africa because the manufacturer in australia will not sell to us
  7. because went to the same http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=9030
  8. yes they are the same design wheels so it was fun doing that. i told him to take off the door protectors but we are not sure if there are any holes underneath.
  9. good for you that they will fix ask for a loan car while they keep your car
  10. i think it is good if anything that the chip is on the spoiler rather than the boot itself. the spoiler can easily be taken off for repair without leaving your car behind but i guess they will keep your car there to colour match. my guess is if you do not accept touch up then they would blend the damage. mind you your spoiler may come back worse than before. or that there will be another problem because nothing ever comes back looking or feeling factory. but looking at your pics the damage looks bad and i think you should have it fixed.
  11. below are some of the photos we took. president do my big? 1zz engine
  12. 2fst4u has a photo of the 7 cars that went all the way but i doubt we will show them are up for one
  13. good at electrics you can wire them yourself if not you will need to consider an auto elec to do the job for you. you may be able to find a used pair on auctions if you do
  14. here is another pic people taking off their spoilers and wings to get a cleaner look. i even removed the tint on my windows to get a cleaner look.
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