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Posts posted by 69.NIX

  1. @andrew357

    The big guy might organise some stuff for you


    Just like light fantastic, this product works best on dark coloured cars (black, garphite). Applied with a foam applicator in a left to right motion on freshly prep'd paint work, this product will leave a light film once applied. Allowing this product to cure for 15-40 mins (depending on weather conditions) is recommend.

    Do not let this product "cake on". It will be a b1tch to remove and nothing is gained by it.

    Best to remove the wax with a good clean mircofibre towel. Wipe the cured wax off against the grain, flipping the microfibre regularly to prevent clogging.

    Result: awesome paint work.

    UPDATE: This product lasted me one month with the car parked outside everyday and exposed to all the elements. This might not sound like a long time, but compared to other products, you will see the savings in the long term.

  2. hey man,

    Few questions

    Are you in Sydney? (rough location)

    How much are willing to spend (you can go cheap or nuts, depends on what you want do)

    Have you ever done any serious work before on car cleaning?

    What colour car do you have?

    So far, I back up everything that has been mentioned by previous peeps. If you saw Andrew357's car, he likes it clean. The paint work looks awesome and swirl free.

    I'm willing to share my knowledge (in person) and show a few tips and tricks.......( this doesn't mean free products BTW :P )

    If you wanna chat more, check out my profile for contact details :)

    Let me know :)

  3. Pretty tempted to try this out on my grille actually so it stays black, sick of rubbing trim blackening products over it all the time!! Could potentially work on foggie and mirror surrounds as well maybe, though might be a bit thick. Wouldn't work for me badge wise cos I'd want them glossy I reckon.

    Where can we source the PlastiDip from locally? Autobarn, Super Cheap, Repco?


    You need this!

    http://www.carcareproducts.com.au/product/black_wow/black_wow :P

  4. I got the duragloss pack from them too. It's a great choice if you have to park your car outside 24/7 like I do. Just add nanolex for the glass surface and you're well protected.

    They have some great products there but they don't stock meguiar coz they reckon meguiar is a volume seller, as in their product don't last long.

    They not stock meg's because "they claim" its not a good as everyone thinks it is. The same goes for mothers & auto glym (my former fav products) they do a limited amount because the products just aren't as good as there other stuff.

    ....but dont take my word for it. Speak to them, go there, make sure they show you why certain products are better.

    When i went to the shop the first time I had information OVERLOAD. Learned a $hite load of stuff for the guys there.

    Key thing, go with an open mind and be prepared for "EPIC CHANGE" :P

  5. Hey J,

    You will need to get the spacers for your rolla if you go Double Din. Also for ease of connection, get the wiring loom. ie: Factory > OEM, OEM > <stereo manufacturer>. This means you dont have to run new cables for speakers or go cutting into your factory loom!


    ^^ Should do the trick :)

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